Day at Gotham

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Robin starred out of the window of the T-Car. Cyborg hasnt them told yet, where he is driving them. ,,So wanna tell us now where we going?,, asked Raven but Cyborg doesnt gave an respons. They drove over an brigde and Robin noticed an building. ,,wait that looks like the WayneTech building,, said Robin and then he knew that they drove to Gotham. ,,why are we here,, he asked. ,,we got invited to dinner from Bruce Wayne,, awensered Cyborg. ,,but he dont know the team or even one of us by the name,, explained robin. ,,he wanted to donate us so we can have better equipment,, gave Cyborg as respons. They drove to the manor and got greeted by an butler. He brought them to the dining room. As he noticed Robin a small smile kame on his face. The butler got upstairs and said ,,master bruce the titans arrived,, then he left. Bruce went downstairs and as he stepped into the dining room, he got suprised. Robin sat there. Robin looked at him and sent a small smile. As the food came, Bruce started. ,,So i invited you to tell you that i think you need someone to help out with money. And i wanna do that ,, The titans were excited as they heard that. But Robin just looked down and all noticed it. ,,Robin are you ok?,, asked Starfire and Robin nodded,, im just tired,, he said. Cyborg got up and they left. On the way home was eveyone sure that Robin lied, but no one wanted to ask. They knew Robin would tell that he is fine and would break up the conversation. As they came back to the tower, Robin instandly went into his room. ,,whats up with him?,, asked Raven and looked to Robins door. ,,i dont know but we should find out,, said Cyborg.

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