The truth part 2

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All stared at Batman, who sat down on the couch next to Robin.
,,Why did you left Gotham and the Young Justice Team?,, asked Batman his son. Robin looked on the ground and said:,, i cant tell,, then he got and tried to ran away, but Batman jumped up and landed infront of him. Robin actually ran into Batmans arms. He hold his son tight. ,,tell us Dick,, Robin looked at everyone but he stayed quite. ,,please Robin we wanna know it, you left your father and your boyfriend. What happend?,, said Raven with a calm voice. He just shook his head for no and tried to escape Batmans grip, but his father was to strong. Robin tried and tried again until he got tired. ,,come on Dickie give us some answers,, begged KF and looked at him. But there was no answer. Robin got himself so tired that he fell asleep in Batmans arms. ,,We will ask him when he wakes up,, said Batman and brought Dick into his room. After a few hours came Dick out of his room, and again was everybody waiting for an answer. ,,Dick please,, said Beast Boy and waited. Robin took a deep breath and finally spoke:,, i left the young Justice team because...i always messed up..the last mission was a disaster because i messed it up...i thought you were better without me,, said Robin while he looked to the ground. ,,But why you left me?,, asked Bruce as he hugged his son. ,,i...i..felt like i was just adopted. Not like your kid, just the one that got adopted,, explained Dick with tears in eyes. ,,i thought you all are better without me,, all looked at Robin and didnt know what to say. ,,You dont messed up, i got caught not you, you saved me,, explained KF. ,,and you are not just adopted, you are my son and i will always love you no matter what you are doing,, said Batman smiling. Dick looked up and smiled to them. ,,are you coming back?,,asked Kid Flash and Dick nodded. ,,Raven you will lead the team im sure you can handle it,, then left Robin the tower.

Next day at Mt. Justice

M'gan was in the Kitchen and prepared Breakfast as she heard
Recognize:Robin B01

She flew to the zeta tube and saw Robin ,,Robin you are back we were so worried,,

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