The Watch

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Dora Potter stood, looking into Fawkes the Phoenix's beady black eyes as he blinked morosely. He was near to burning, half ashen already, the tips of his feathers singed and drooping. She reached up a gentle hand and clucked her tongue, and smiled when the phoenix lowered his magnificent head to coddle against her bent fingers.

"You have a trustworthy touch," Dumbledore's voice was low and gentle as he appeared at Dora's side. "Fawkes trusts very few." He watched as the bird slowly blinked at Mrs. Potter.

There came a knock upon the door.

"Do come in," Dumbledore called.

The door opened and in came James Potter and Minerva McGonagall nodded her greeting to Dora and Charlus with a smile and a wink from the landing before closing the door behind their son and descending the stairs herself.

"Ah if it isn't the young birthday boy himself!" Dumbledore said with a smile as Mrs. Potter withdrew her fingers from Fawkes to hurry over and hug her son. She pressed her lips to James's cheek and he tried not to look annoyed by the slobbering.

Mr. Potter walked over joyfully, though slowly. "Happy Birthday, Jamsie!" he chirped, but James looked in concern at how his father seemed to shuffle more than walk and his eyes met Charlus's squarely.

"What's the matter with your leg?" he asked.

"Oh nothing of concern for you, son," Charlus replied, "Just a bit of old age, I'm afraid. We're all inclined toward it, eventually."

"Unless one is to go the ways of Nicholas Flamel, I am afraid that is true," Dumbledore intoned.

"And goodness knows not all of us are interested in sticking around - what, over 600 years by now, I imagine?"

"Nearly 650, I believe," Dumbledore answered.

Dora shook her head. "Can you even imagine - over 650 birthday parties!"

James guffawed, "Sounds brilliant, though I rather thing they must have run out of unique themes for them by now." He smirked and everyone chuckled. But James did keep a close eye on Charlus's leg, regardless of what Mr. Potter claimed was not any of his concern.

"Speaking of birthday parties, I do hope you've a spiffing one planned?" Mr. Potter asked.

James said, "Oh I'm sure the lads have something up their sleeves. Reckon I'll find out when I get back from visiting you lot. Sirius has been dodgy about plans for this evening all day."

Charlus smirked, "Well perhaps you'll be in need of a time piece to keep track of when the evening comes?"

James's eyes lit up. "Perhaps I might," he replied. He felt his heart rate pick up a bit. He had dreamed of this moment for many, many years and now - here it was. He was officially coming of age.

Charlus smiled and Dora did, too, and even Dumbledore, who settled himself behind his desk to observe. Charlus reached into his coat pocket and James started to conjure all the imaginings of his entire life for what sort of watch his parents would have gotten him. He had pictured great golden things with shiny faces and Roman numeral numbers. He'd pictured silver instruments with tiny planets, like Dumbledore's watch, and fine leather straps... But what Charlus pulled from his coat pocket was...

"But it has Mickey Mouse on it?" James asked, looking up from the watch face in confusion.

Charlus nodded, smiling, as did Dora.

James blinked. "But - I don't understand?"

"It's a - an old, family heirloom," Charlus said, his voice cheerful.

The Marauders: Year Six Part 2 #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now