Chapter Eleven

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Liam clamps a hand down on Louis' mouth, making the older boy jump. Harry starts laughing hysterically, and so does Niall. Zayn just grins.

And then Preston walks into the kitchen.

“What's going on?” he asks angrily. Everyone is dead silent for a moment. Liam removes his hand from Louis' mouth.

“I was making breakfast” Harry says weakly.

Preston glares at each of them individually, until he gets to Niall. The Irish boy barely lasts a second before pointing at Louis.

“Clean it up” Preston says, sighing, and then he leaves.

“You arse!” Louis shouts at Niall.

“Sorry” the Irish boy mumbles. “You know I'm bad under pressure.”

“No kid- oh, hey, Callin!” Louis says, grinning and waving at me. I smile and wave back, from my wheelchair next to the table.

“Food's up” Harry says. Louis sits next to me at the table, and Niall sits on my other side.

“Are you going to clean up?” Liam asks Louis.

“Food” Louis says, by way of an answer. Harry slides an omelet onto his plate, and he starts eating.

“I hope you like omelets” Harry says to me.

“I'll eat anything” I tell him. It's true. I'm not picky.

“Yeah, buddy” Niall says, grinning at me. Harry slides an omelet onto my plate, and hands me a fork. I stick a bite in my mouth. It's amazing.

“You're a great cook” I tell Harry, once I've swallowed. “This is really good.”

“Thanks” Harry says, grinning at me as he slides an omelet onto Niall's plate. “I cook most of the food around here.” Louis rolls his eyes, but doesn't stop eating to respond.

Eventually, everyone's got breakfast, and we're all silent while we're eating. I see Preston poke his head in, roll his eyes, and disappear again.

When we're all finished, Harry and Louis get to cleaning the kitchen, supervised by Liam, while Niall, Zayn, and I end up in the adjoining living room.

Preston's already there, on the couch, reading the newspaper. When we come in, he folds it up and sets it down. Niall helps me out of the wheelchair and onto the couch.

“Anything about Louis in there?” Zayn asks softly, so that Louis can't overhear. Though, with all the noise coming from the kitchen, I don't think he could have heard if we had shouted.

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