Chapter Twenty-Two

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“Wh-what are you doing here?” I ask, a mixture of shock and anger coursing through my body. Shock that she's in here, and anger at myself for letting her see me lose control so completely.

“i thought you might need someone” she says simply. “And I know you miss Harry.”

“Thank you” I whisper.

And I think she's about to kiss me when the door flies open.

Paul doesn't seem to notice my watery eyes, or how close Callin and I are sitting.

He says two words, and gives me one less thing to cry about.

“Niall's awake.”



“My stomach hurts” I mumble. The nurse tsks.

“No more medicine today” she says. “You have friends coming.”

I don't bother answering.

She won't give me more painkillers.

It's the morning after I woke up, and Liam and Louis and Callin are coming to visit. Eventually. I wish they would just get here, distract me.

Zayn's next door, but I haven't seen him yet. I'm not allowed to go anywhere, and honestly I don't want to.

It feels like a whole bunch of knives are repeatedly stabbing my stomach.

Callin never mentioned the pain of getting shot. I wonder if she even felt it like this. But I only got shot in the stomach.

“Why does it hurt so bad?” I mumble.

The pain is choking me, strangling me, destroying me.

“You were shot in the stomach, and the bullet lodged there” the nurse says. “And you were there for quite awhile before we got to you, and infection had set in. You should be alright in a week or so.”

I wish they had been faster.

I wish this hadn't happened.


It hurts so much.

There's a knock at the door, and the nurse opens it to reveal a smiling girl.

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