Chapter 21:

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Enjoy ;) Sorry for the short chapter! Next chapter will be longer! 

UNEDITIED! AGAIN! best friend usually edits my chapters for me, but she is currently on vacation for 3 weeks, so none of my recent chapters have been edited haha :p 

I am going to start linking a song to the side of each chapter, which you can listen to while reading the chapter if you like :p

Song for this chapter is on the side. It is called; Wait by M83.

I love it so much and it is from "The Fault In Our Stars" soundtrack which is perfect :') <3


"Turn left over here." Zac says, pointing in the direction of yet again another long narrow road that is in the middle of bloody no where. We have been driving for over an hour, with still no response from Cam. Zac had told me that the pill can kill someone off, when not cured, in 2-3 days. I am some what relieved to here this, but I am still very worried about him. 

"Are you sure you know where you are going?" I ask, while making the right turn. Zac sighs in annoyance.

"Yes, Katie. Please stop asking." he says, in an equally annoyed tone. I roll my eyes.

"I was just asking Mr. Grumpy pants." 

Zac shakes his head at my response and smiles a little. I look over and smile at him. 

"So, Mrs. I-know-everything, what is the first thing you are going to do when we get ourselves out of this mess?" Zac asks me, still smiling. 

"Well first of all, I am going to move out of my house and disown my parents and second thing on my list is to EAT!" I say loudly, flinging my hands in the air dramatically. I laugh. I am so hungry that I can literally feel my stomach eating itself. Zac laughs at my dramitised answer and I playfully hit him on the arm.

"It's not funny, Hansan!" I exclaim. He smirks at me and for a split second, I feel like it was only me and and him this car, with nothing to worry about. I felt butterflies in my stomach at the way he smiled at me, but I quickly push away that feeling. It was only for a split second. The feeling is gone as quick as it came. I never thought that I would ever feel like that around Zac. Ever. 

It's the lack of food making me feel this way. Yep, thats right! As soon as I have food, I will go back to hating him. Right...?

"You cant disown your parents Katie. They can only disown you." Zac says laughing. 

"Sure I can." I reply, smiling but also being serious. I am seriously considering moving out of home, once this situation is over. I cant live with them. They have lied to me my whole life and I dont think I can forgive them for that.

"And where are you going to go?" Zac asks me, a serious look in his eye. I look over at him with a frown. 

I dont know where I will go. Anywhere will be better than staying with my parents. 

"I dont know." I say, my voice quiet. I look back at the road and stare at the sun set, holding back tears. I am shocked when Zac reaches over for my hand and holds it, entwining our fingers together. 

I look over at him. His eyes are filled with an emotion I have never seen before, but I cant put my finger on what that emotion is. I feel my heart warm and I get a feeling I have never felt for him before. No! I cant! I cant actually have feelings for Zac! I just cant! He has put me through enough!

I quickly pull my hand out of Zac's and look back at the road, annoyed at myself for letting him hold my hand in the first place.

"You shouldnt have done that." I say, annoyed. 

"Do what?" Zac asks, confused and a little hurt. I look over at him and shoot him a glare.

"You know what!" i exclaim. Zac shakes his head in anger.

"What? You mean I shouldnt have held your hand?!" he half yells at me. I can feel the weight of his stare on the side of my face, as he waits for me to respond. 

"Yes! You shouldnt have done that!" I yell back at him. He knows he shouldnt have done that. He knows that I hate his guts and dont want anything to do with him! 

He can not play with my feelings like this! He just cant!

"WHY NOT?!" he yells. I shoot my head to look at him and give him an exasperated look. I dont know how I should respond to him. I dont know what to say. I dont have an answer as to why he shouldnt have held my hand. He was just trying to comfort me. 

I look away after a second of just staring at him and shake my head with a humourless smile. 

"You know what? Screw me getting away from my parents! I just want to get away from you!" I say to him, still staring at the road in front of me, clenching my fists on the steering wheel. 

"You dont mean that." Zac replies, his voice quiet and distant. I let out a humourless laugh.

"Yes I d-"

"Pull the car over." Zac demands me.

"What?" I ask him, confused.

"I said pull the car over." he replies simply. I frown and shake my head at him. 


"Katie just do it!" he exclaims. I abruptly stop the car and look at him with an annoyed expression.

"Why did I-"

I am cut off, when Zac's lips crash against mine. I am frozen for a second in shock, but then I start kissing him back. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as my lips move in sync with his.

I put my hands at the back of his neck, trying to pull him closer and he grabs my waist. I cant believe I am kissing him! I am kissing Zac Hansan! The boy who I have hated ever since I was a little girl. The boy who has made my life a living nightmare. The boy who I vowed never to let have my heart. I think it is a little late for that because kissing Zac is probably one of the most amazing expereiences I have ever had. Kissing him makes me feel like everything is going to be ok. That nothing bad can happen to me. 

I finally break the kiss, but we stay close together, our foreheads touching. I look up into his eyes and see the same emotion that I saw earlier. He cups my cheek with his hand and I close my eyes.

"We can get through this Katie." he says, quietly. I open my eyes and feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"How?" I ask. Zac wipes away my tear with his thumb.

"We can get through this together." he replies.

"You promise?" I ask. 

"I promise."


Sorry again for the short chapter. 

So what did you guys think? ;) Please let me know in the comments! and also vote if you liked it ;)


The School Player vs ME [DISCONTINUED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora