Chapter 26:

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I know it has been soooo long and I am truly sorry about that. I will try my absolute best to post a chapter every Friday! I am currently in my third week back at uni, so I will only be able to post once every week, which I hope you guys to dont mind too much about. I know that a lot of you want me to post regularly but unfortunatly that is not possible for me. I hope you all understand that. Dont worry because I am going to finish writing this story. I am NEVER going to abandon it! 

UNEDITED! (like always :p )

Anyways enough of me, I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!!! ILY ALL <3


Here I am again. Back at the stupid police station, sitting in the same interview room, and again waiting for someone to actually come in a interview me. 

I impatientlly tap my foot against the floor and stare at myself in the long mirror window, the only sound coming from the tapping of my feet, like marbles being dropped onto the floor. 

I sigh impatiently and look down at my hands, really wishing I was anywhere but here.

My mind goes back to the day the police stormed into the warehouse and arresting us all. That day was a blur, but Im not suprised with the state I was in, both physically and mentally. The thought of the day  made a feeling of  anger burn inside of me.

My thoughts are interrupted by Although I know that Cam was part of this whole thing with my dad and Derek since the before I even met him, and is one who carried out my kidnapping,  I cant help but still care about him. Same with Zac. I suddenly remember the kiss and smile slightly at the thought. I remember the way that he held me, the way his lips felt against mine, the butterflies that danced around inside me and the how safe I felt when he was around me. I felt a longing ache in my chest to have Zac hold me right now and tell me that everything is going to be ok.

The sound of the door opening snapped me out of my daydream. I turn around and gasp in shock at who has just walked in.

"Miss Stone, how nice to see you again. How are you feeling?" 

I am too shocked to even speak. I mean who can blame, when Gared is the one who is apprently going to interview me about what has happend. HE WAS PART OF IT! 

"What the hell is going on?" 

Gared smirks and walks over to the other side of the interview and takes a seat.

"My name is Detective Finn and I will be-"

"Cut the crap Gared and tell me what the hell is going!" I snap at him, sending him the most intimindating glare I could muster, which wasnt hard considering how pissed off I am feeling right now. 

"I'm sorry Miss Stone, but I have no idea what you are talkiing about. I am just here to interview you." 

I sit there dumfounded and let out a humourless laugh.

"You dont know what I am talking about?!" I half yell, anger burning inside of me. 

"Like hell you dont know what I am talking about after you TRIED TO BLOODY KILL ME!" 

The sound of someone else entering the room makes me turn away and be faced with a middle aged woman carrying a file and pen.

"Ready for the interview?" she asks Gared. 

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