Chapter 20

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I'm not sure what happened, this chapter ran away with me and before I knew it or could stop it, it ended in another cliffy. I'm sorry but I like it and will not change it; however since you guys are the amazing wonderful readers that you are,I will tell you that next update the Volto situation will be resolved and wrapped up in a bow never to be seen again :) Also no one will be hurt, and we can get back to dates and fun stuff soon, I promise!

Now what you really came for...Happy reading!


...Volto...It's Kevin...






Sang's softly spoken words to Owen spin around and around again in my mind, filling my thoughts until I can focus on nothing else.

How could I have missed this? I think again, wondering how far back the lies and betrayal had started. Just how long ago did we lose him?


Once again I find myself face to face with Sang as she holds me close, however this time it appears she's been trying for a while to get my attention while I was lost in a spiral of confusion and despair.

I finally begin to focus back on her, and my brain finally starts processing the words that come out of her mouth. "I know this is shocking, and I can't even imagine how betrayed you feel, but I need you to come back to me."

Placing my hands over hers as they frame the sides of my face, I squeeze them gently to let her know that I'm here with her again. She sighs in relief when my eyes meet hers, and her lips meet mine quickly before she stands up and places her hands on her hips. "I called Owen, so he and Axel are gathering the rest of the guys to discuss our plan of action before heading the address we found. Whenever you're ready, we will be going to meet them to run surveillance outside of the warehouse Volto has been using when the guys go in to get him."

The way she lays out all of the facts, telling me exactly what's going to happen with aggression or being bossy, helps me return to the present and allow my mind to start firing on all cylinders once more. Nodding more to myself than in an answer to her question, I get up and start searching for my shoes and portable electronics we'll be needing for today's adventure. Soon we're both ready to go and I grab my Sunshine's hand to hold as we lock up the apartment and head down to the car, more and more grateful that she was here with me when the news of Kevin's betrayal hit.

"Thank you, Sunshine," I tell her after we settle into the car and I've reclaimed her hand, placing a kiss in the back of her palm before driving out of the lot.

"There's no need to thank me, Sunny. I'm here because I love you." Her response sets off explosions of feeling inside my heart, and some of the heaviness I'd been dealing with since finding out Volto's true identity fades.

I have Sang, and I have my true family, the rest is all just background noise.


45 minutes later I see the gathering of vehicles outside an Academy safe house, one of the buildings scattered across the city meant for situations like this one when a team needs a meeting place at random. Normally we would gather in one of the apartments, but since everyone was investigating leads on the other side of the city, a safe house halfway was the convenient option, especially considering its proximity to Volto's hideout.

In seconds, Sang and I are out of the car and knocking at the door in a random pattern when it swings open and large tattooed arms yank us both inside. Both of us are squished together tightly to a hard chest as Raven murmurs angry words in Russian while swinging us back and forth.

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