Chapter 25

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Everyone want to pretend it's Monday? 

I've been so sick these past few days that updating was the furthest thing from my mind, and I almost put it off again but I told @Charliebear144  Wednesday at the latest I would have one up :)

So even though I'm late, I hope you enjoy this update anyway :)


"Would you stop fucking wiggling around?"

"Fuck you, this was your stupid idea anyway."

"Shut the fuck up, Marc. All my ideas are fucking brilliant and Trouble will love this one. Now stop wiggling."

"Gabe, man, I love you and all, but your ideas usually end up with someone dressed as a woman or left on the side of the road somewhere."

"That was one fucking time!"

"You left me there for three hours! In a dress! I had to walk home in the rain!"

"Well...okay so that idea wasn't my best. I swear to you, fucking cross my heart and hope to die or whatever, Trouble will love her Christmas present. Now hold fucking still while I get this bow on him."

"Three. Hours."

"You know what?"


"I should've left you longer, now hold the fucking thing still before it escapes ag–fuck!"

I watch in frustration as the baby skunk I'd been trying–and failing–to hold onto for the past ten minutes so Gabe could get a red bow around his neck manages to wiggle free and take off towards the bedroom door. The door, as I realize with sudden panic, that was just opened.

Quicker than I thought possible for the black and white animal, the skunk dashes between Luke's legs and disappears from our sight. Gabe and I look to each other, jaws attempting to hit the ground as I come to terms with having been outmaneuvered so easily...and by a skunk of all things.

It doesn't take long for us to recover from our shock. "What the fuck, dude? I thought you had him!"

Matching Gabe's glare with one of my own, I go on the defense. "And I thought the door was closed! It was your stupid idea to put a bow on a wiggly animal in the first place!"

With that we both turn our blame and frustration on a decidedly sheepish looking Luke still standing in the doorway. "Oops?"

"Oy! I told you to fucking knock when you got here! Now we have to go catch the damned thing all over again," Gabe groans, hands raking through his hair in irritation.

"I forgot?" When his teasing innocent look only deepens our frowns, he shrugs. "Look, I got distracted and forgot, okay? I'm sorry. I'll help you look for him."

Gabe huffs. "Too fucking right you will. We already lost the damn thing twice this morning."

For a second it looks like Luke is going to laugh, then thankfully he seems to think better of it. "Sorry dude, we'll find him."

Then I recall him saying he got distracted earlier. "What were you coming up here for anyways?"

He blinks, seeming confused at the change of subject before clarity flashes. "Oh yeah. I was coming to tell you to hurry up and come down for breakfast since Sang is here."

Do not throttle the stupid blonde boy. Prison orange is not your color. I attempt to fight the urge to hit him for being such a dumbass, and succeed partially through my fingers still twitch at my sides.

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