Chapter 2

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Jungkook didn’t really know what to say when he saw the fussy omega from before. His hair was fluffy and clean, his skin looked soft to the touch and the clothes Taehyung got for him must’ve been from both his and Seokjin’s closets. The sweater fell off the omega’s shoulders and swallowed him up and the shorts were surprisingly big on him even though they were Taehyung’s.

The omega must be drastically underweight and Jungkook’s alpha instincts immediately wanted to change that.

“Jungkook, quit standing there and help me with the food.”, Jimin said. His eyebrow raised in amusement as he watched the younger alpha check the omega out.

Jimin couldn’t lie to himself either, the omega looked a lot better without all of the dirt nearly caking his skin.


The alphas worked diligently, preparing food for the two omegas and Namjoon was perplexed. Usually omegas were the ones who were expected to cook and clean and take care of their alphas. This pack was...different and Namjoon couldn’t tell if it was a facade or not.

“Namjoon, you can have a seat at the table with Taehyung but I must warn you, he’s talkative.”, Jimin said. Namjoon nodded his head, still caught up in awe as the alpha’s worked. Their movements were graceful and calculated like they knew what they were doing and how to do it well.

The omega walked into the dinning room where the other omega was deeply engrossed in his phone.

Namjoon pulled out a chair at the end of the table, as far away from the other omega as possible. He didn’t feel bad around the omega, he just didn’t know him. He was just dragged into his house by someone else, it would be weird if Namjoon intruded into his personal space.

Taehyung didn’t seem to notice him until he scooted his chair in, the legs scratching against the hardwood floor. It made an unpleasant sound and Taehyung looked up, his face forming a shy smile.

“You look so pretty now!”, the omega exclaimed.

Namjoon felt his face flush at the omega’s words, against himself.

“I’m Taehyung, what’s your name, Jimin refused to tell me. He told me to ask you myself.”, Taehyung said, pouting at the last part of the sentence.   

“It’s Namjoon.”

“That’s a beautiful name, Namjoon. Where are you from?”

Namjoon flinched at the question. He wasn’t from anywhere as far as he was concerned. He wouldn’t ever consider that place his home. He never wanted to be a part of the horrid pack that his parents had been in in the first place.

Taehyung sensed the omega’s discomfort and immediately changed the topic, instead opting on telling Namjoon about their pack. He learned the names and ages of all of the members of the household, including a Hoseok and Seokjin who Namjoon hadn’t met yet. He didn’t disclose everyone’s ranking however, which only bothered Namjoon slightly.

“I wasn’t sure what you liked to eat, Namjoon, so I made you some soup. I hope Taehyung isn’t making you uncomfortable.”, Jimin said. He set down a bowl in front of Namjoon and a plate in front of Taehyung.

“He’s not. Thank you.”, Namjoon said after Taehyung made an offended squawk.

Jimin returned to the kitchen and Taehyung continued his prattling.

Namjoon could barely keep up and lost the younger man at some ridiculous story about how he almost broke his leg playing leapfrog as a pup. Namjoon didn’t know how to respond to the omega’s behavior so he only nodded as if he had a clue what the younger man was talking about.

Taehyung was talking to Namjoon as if they had known each other for years. Namjoon had never felt that welcomed before and it was strange to him.

Eventually, Jimin and Jungkook joined them at the table, saving Namjoon from Taehyung’s ramblings.

Jimin sat close to Taehyung who nuzzled into the alpha’s neck in appreciation. Jungkook, on the other hand, sat closer to Namjoon who glared at the alpha. He was a still cautious of him and the alpha’s earlier outburst didn’t help his case.

The alpha gave Namjoon an awkward smile.

“Um, I’m sorry about earlier. I should’ve never snapped at you. I know you were only lashing out because you were in a stressful situation.”, the alpha said.

Namjoon’s face morphed from irritation to confusion.


It was Jungkook’s turn to be confused. The omega seemed shocked to be receiving an apology as if he wasn’t expecting one. Did Jungkook really seem that mean or was his behavior foreign to Namjoon?

“Yeah. Can we start over? I’m Jungkook but I’m sure you knew that.”

The omega slowly nodded his head. “I’m Namjoon.”

The omega decided that the young alpha wasn’t a threat simply because he’s never had an alpha directly apologize to him for something that they did. It’s always the omega’s fault , something he was taught as a child and the events that followed in his life after never told him otherwise.

The alpha nodded and both started eating their food, both Jimin and Taehyung in their own world together. Jungkook watched the omega eat, surprisingly composed even though he looked like he had been starving for months.

He hoped that Namjoon would stay long enough for him to fatten up some so he wouldn’t look so emaciated. Jimin cleared his throat, catching the attention of the younger alpha who’s cheeks flushed when he saw the knowing grin spread across his elder’s face. ‘You like him’, Jimin mouthed and Jungkook gave him an unimpressed glare. Jimin giggled, catching the attention of Namjoon who looked at him in confusion when he noticed that Taehyung was back on his phone.

Jimin just shook his head at the omega.


“Can someone please explain what an unmated omega is doing in our house?”

Hoseok didn’t even take off his shoes before he caught the scent of apples and honey from the stranger.

A nervous Yoongi was pushed forward from the group of alphas who didn’t want to deal with the wrath of their pack alpha. Yoongi knew that he took a leap of hope when he brought the omega into the village, into their home was an even more risky decision.

“You brought him here?”, the head alpha asked.

“Yeah but-”

“You know my rules, Yoongi. We’ll discuss your punishment later. Right now, I want to meet this omega.”, Hoseok said, taking off his jacket and shoes.

“Um, he’s sleeping right now… In the guest room.”, Jungkook spoke up.

“Well can you wake him up?”

“I wouldn’t recommend it, he’s a bit of a wild card. Also, the door will most likely be locked.”

The alpha raised a brow but didn’t ask anymore questions.

“I expect to see him before I leave this house tomorrow morning.”, he said, sternly. His gaze fell on Jimin and Jimin nodded in understanding.

He looked at Yoongi before he made his way further into the house. Yoongi knew to follow close behind him.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 03, 2018 ⏰

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