Chapter 3- Too Late

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Above^^^^ is what the inside of the pack house looks like. Enjoy!

This honestly isn't what I was expecting.

The wooden bridge was long and winding, and I swear to the Goddess that I saw at least seven alligators...and four snakes in the twenty minutes we walked on it.

And just when I thought we were clear, from the sight of the bridge ending at a dirt path lined with large trees that form a thick canopy overhead, one look down it made it maddeningly obvious that we had at least fifteen more minutes of walking to go before reaching this Alphas pack house. Not to mention that this heat and humidity is oppressive in it's own right...I already have dots of sweat soaking through my shirt...why in hell did I wear a black t-shirt and jeans again?

The sound of crows are the only ones besides our footsteps and slightly labored breaths, and I keep hearing a rustling noise that seems to disappear every time I look for its source.

How in the goddesses name can the wolves stand it here? Between the prehistoric creatures, the noxious smell, the heat...and don't get me started on the are they not being driven mad?

The rustling sound returns, this time even louder, and as I search for it, a scent hits my nose...and it brings back memories... least a hybrid one...

"Good evening gentlemen." A male voice calls out pleasantly, making me jump.

I look directly upwards to see a man which I assume is the source of the hybrid scent I caught moments earlier, standing precariously on a branch in the cave like canopy of tree limbs above us. I take in his shocking silver white hair, styled in short spikes on top with shaved sides and his silvery blue eyes look at us with amusement, his pale ivory skin contrasting boldly with his dark blue jeans and the black and gray band t-shirt with sleeves that go to his elbows, the words 'Black Veil Brides' written on it in gray print.

I would ask if he was hot in that get up, but I have no room to judge, I'm in all black myself.

"I'm here to have a meeting with Alpha Blackrose, who are you?"

I call up to him, and he smirks, dropping down from the tree in a graceful way, stepping off the limb instead of jumping. That action would break a humans legs if they did it, and it certainly wouldn't have been graceful if it was done by a pure werewolf.

Landing in front of us, I automatically can feel the power rolling off of him, and Henley stiffens in response. He's no Alpha...but he definitely holds rank in this pack...which is odd, considering he's not as tall, or as built as most pack leaders are.

He leans down slightly in an almost bow, one like you would see in a dance.

"Beta Julian Le Tourneau at your service."

He straightens up, a broad smile his face. Beta, huh? So this pack does have hybrids in it, interesting...

"Alpha Stephan Andrews of Shadow Mist, and this is my Beta Henley."

I gesture to my second in command beside me, and Beta Julian's eyes widen in recognition, so he has heard of me.

"The Alpha Stephan? I must say, the stories I've heard do not do you justice. Follow me, I'll show you to the Alpha."

A devious, knowing smile splits his face, but he turns on his heel as he starts heading in the direction we were formally going prior to his interruption. The whole time following him, all I can think about is what stories he possibly heard about me...and why he thinks they don't do me justice.

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