Chapter 18 - Raphael

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To hell with them all.

I sprint across another section of neutral territory, my duffle bag full of clothing in my teeth. I packed my things from my old home in the Sanguis Silence pack and left, the pain that's twisting my heart spurring me faster, and I can feel the invisible strings that once tied me to the power hungry pack fall free from my mind and limbs... hurts like a bitch...

Beta Simone's crude and uncaring rejection cut me deep...even if I did see it coming. The she wolf was never kind to me...and I kind of knew...expected, that once it was discovered, I wouldn't have to wait very long to get the end result.

I was right...but it doesn't take away any of the pain I feel for the heartache...

But that doesn't matter now...what matters is taking down Sanguis Silence pack...and I know just who to ask for help.

Blackrose Swamp of New Orleans.

Alpha Blackrose and his pack are the first targets for Sanguis Silence and Crimson Edge, they are the closest pack that's gaining massive amounts of territory at a quick pace. Alpha Cyrus thinks that they'll be a pushover, especially because he thinks that a three year old pack of misfits, rogues and hybrids won't stand a chance against a longer established pack...especially being run by an alpha he's never heard of before.

But he's power hungry and foolish, and too willing to cast aside the fact that the combined power of vampires, werewolves, witches, and hybrids can be far more powerful than a normal werewolf pack. The only advantage he'd have is surprise and secret strategy...and I plan on taking that away.

~They think hybrids and rogues can't take them down...we will prove them all wrong.~

Cadell rumbles in my mind, and I grunt as I push on through the woods. Trying to make my way over the Mississippi state line and into Louisiana by foot will be a long trip even for a seasoned warrior like myself...with no car it would take least all night anyway.

It's worth it though...because a packs life depends on it.


Unique. Thats the best word to describe New Orleans, Louisiana. That, and the word lively.

Between the bright colors and loud music, the street vendors with their delicious smelling food and fresh produce, the kids running around with balls and riding bikes. There doesn't seem to be a dull or quiet place here, not that it's a bad's just new to me is all. I didn't spend much time off of the pack land for recreation...and even when I did I never saw stuff like this.

But there is also other scents that are new to least in such a large amount.

Vampires, witches, werewolves...and lots of hybrids. It's like a gathering place for every possible species and their hybrid counterparts. I know I'm a hybrid myself being that my mom is a witch and my dad is a werewolf...but I've never been around so many at once.

Vampire/witch hybrids fill stores as they both buy and sell costumes and magic trick sets while offering free demonstrations. Werewolf/witches working at pet stores and pet salons, and seen a few wolf/vampires selling and cooking food for street vendors. All of them mingling with normal humans, a pure vampires and witches it was no big deal.

A feat that wouldn't even be remotely possible in Sanguis's difficult to believe that this place coexists at the same time as my former pack does...and just one state line away.

It's almost ethereal...but at the same time...I feel like I've come home. Like this was where I was meant to be my entire life.

The City of Second Chances indeed.

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