Chapter Five

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   Before long, the last girl, Jessica Adamic, an Amity girl that used to have a crush on my brother, makes her choice to stay, and then it is time to leave. The Dauntless lead the way, crowding towards the doors and I am pushed forward.
   I look back, and instantly find my mother, Taylor, and Celeste. They watch me with sad smiles, saying a million different goodbyes with their eyes.
   "I love you," I mouth to them, and then I'm through the door.
   The Dauntless move towards the stairs instead of the elevators, and for a second I'm confused. The Abnegation were the only ones who took the stairs. But then everyone begins to run, whooping and laughing, and I understand. They take the stairs, not to be selfless, but to be free. Unhinged happiness explodes within me, and I am running along side them.
   The rest of the transfers fall behind, but I keep with the heard, laughing and yelling with them. This is what I always wanted, the freedom, the wildness, I was a wildfire that could not be contained. I would burn through the whole city before the day was up.
   We burst through the front doors, the crisp air hitting my face and blowing through my hair. It felt like I was soaring, a bird finally set free from its steel cage. The Dauntless flood the streets, running towards a sound, a call. The train.
   I push myself faster. Group after group, people jump onto the train, and soon it is just the initiates left. With little effort, I swing myself into the open car closest to me, all my years of climbing trees helping me. The Dauntless-born initiates pile in after me and I realize I'm the only transfer on this car.
   I quietly make my way into the corner, observing the Dauntless as they laugh wildly. My solitude doesn't last though.
   "Flower Child?" a voice asks next to me.
   I turn my head and I'm met with Uriah's smiling face.
   "You made it!" He wraps an arm around me. "You shocked me back there in the Hub, thought for sure you would of picked Erudite."
   "Yeah?" I ask, "well you thought wrong."
   A girl's voice speaks up from behind him, "oh, I like her, feisty."
   "What ever, Marlene," Uriah laughs, turning to the brunette girl, who stands next to a girl with a shaved head.
   "Guys, this is the Flower Child I told you about, Morgana," Uriah introduces, "and this is Marlene and Lynn."
   "Morgana? Pretty name," Marlene says, smiling.
   "Yeah, very Amity," Lynn says a little off handedly.
   I glare a little at her, "you're one to talk. I know six Amity girls named Lynn."
   Uriah laughs sharply, "oh she is definitely gonna fit in in Dauntless, look, her eyes literally look like there on fire!"
   He points his finger towards my eye, a little to close for comfort, I smack his hand away with a little laugh. He puts his hand to his chest.
   "The Amity, hit me? Rude," he feigns shock, laughing afterwards.
   Marlene pushes Uriah's arm off of me and replaces it with her own, "don't listen to that Pansy, he's an idiot."
   "Hey," Uriah yells, "I can hear you, and I'm not a Pansy!"
   Marlene and Uriah begin to bicker back and fourth, and I grow happier. I could definitely get used to this.

   I somehow ended up laying down, my head in Marlene's lap, Lynn's head on my stomach. Both girls had warmed up to me fast, and considering how Lynn looked at everyone else, I think that was a major achievement on my part.
   Uriah pokes my cheek, "are you alive Flower Child?"
   "No," I say, dragging out the o.
   "Well you better fix that, we're almost there," he laughs.
   I sit up, waking Lynn in the process. She grumbles a little but doesn't say anything.
   "Really?" I ask excitedly.
   Uriah nods, helping all three of us up from the ground, I notice that the wind had calmed down, meaning we had slowed down. Uriah pulls me over to the doors and motions me to look out and towards the front of the train. People were jumping onto a roof, that was seven stories up.
   "We have to jump?" I ask.
   Lynn nods, "unless you want to be factionless."
   Marlene and Uriah nod in agreement. I look out the doors again and nod, I got this, I've jumped farther distances in the past, I got this.
   "Ok," I breath, "ok."
   Marlene holds her hand out towards me, "do you need some comfort?"
   I shake my head, "I need a count down."
   Uriah laughs, "ok, get ready. Three, two."
   Adrenaline fills me as I see the rooftop, and I run before Uriah can finish. I am weightless, there is nothing pulling me back. I could fly to the stars if I wished, but then gravity takes hold, and I am falling. The gravel roof comes closer, and I prepare myself for landing.
   My feet hit the ground, and I bend my knees to absorb the shock. My momentum tries to send me forward but I lean back and keep my feet on the ground. I hear others land behind me, and I turn around to see they didn't have as smooth of a landing as I did. Uriah laid on his back, staring up at the sky a little breathless, Marlene was on her knees, picking rocks from her elbows, and Lynn was trying to get to her feet.
   "You guys ok?" I ask.
   Uriah looks over at me and laughs, "look at little miss Amity, perfect landing."
   "I've climbed trees all my life," I laugh, "you learn how to fall gracefully. Trust me, I've had my fair share of broken bones."
   Marlene shakes her head with a laugh, "of course you've climbed trees all your life."
   "I can't tell if I should be offended or not," I tilt my head to the side, "should I be?"
   "Not at all," Marlene laughs, finally standing up.
   "A little help here," Uriah asks, putting his hand up in the air.
   "Get up by yourself Uriah," Lynn says, walking over to stand by Marlene.
   I grab Uriah's hand and pull him up. He wipes off the dirt from his clothes and turns to the train. The last few cars were passing by now and that meant the rest of the transfers needed to either jump, or fail. 
   The last car comes and the Abnegation transfer and a Candor girl jump first, holding each other's hands. They both hit the roof hard, falling forward on their faces and sliding across the gravel. I cringe a little, it must have hurt badly.
   The rest of the initiates are off, everyone made it. I am proved wrong by the sound of a loud cry. A Dauntless-born girl leans over the edge, screaming down at something below. A Dauntless-born boy holds her to keep her from falling off.
   "Rita," he says, "Rita, calm down, Rita-"
   I take a step towards her but a hand on my arm stops me, Lynn. I turn towards her and she shakes her head and realization strikes me. Not all of us made it. My heart clenches, if the Dauntless-born were in danger, what did that mean for the transfers?
   "Listen up! My name is Max, one of the leaders of your new faction!" I turn towards the voice, an older Dauntless man who stands on the ledge, as if someone didn't just fall to their death. "Several stories below us is the members' entrance to our compound. If you cant muster up the will to jump off, you don't belong here. Our initiates have the privilege of going first."
   "You want us to jump off a ledge?" An Erudite transfer asks, clearly shocked.
   "Yes," Max answers, clearly amused.
   "Is there water at the bottom or something?"
   "Who knows," he replies, raising his brows as if he's daring him to ask another question.
   The crowd splits in half, no one looking egar to go, not even the Dauntless-born. They aren't just going to kill us all on the first day, there has to be a net or something down there. I see the Abnegation girl take a small step, at the same time I make mine, mine is bigger, for the second time today, I give her an apologetic smile but I see the relief in her eyes.
   I walk towards the ledge, Max steps out of my way. I lean slightly over, looking down to the large hole in the lower roof, it was pretty far down, and the inside was to dark for me to see anything. Some people snigger behind me, thinking I would chicken out, but that only steels my resolve.
   I easily climb onto the ledge, standing on it like Max was. I could feel the judgement coming from everyone behind me, they all thought I would fail.
   I turn towards the crowd, and notice a tall Candor transfer with shiny black hair smirk, thinking I was chickening out.
   "See you all in hell," I say, saluting the crowd.
   I jump, falling backwards into the hole. The feeling of weightlessness returns to me, and I don't care if there is a net or not down there. This feeling was what I had always longed for, the freedom, the adrenaline, the happiness.
   I laugh as I fall, all be it a little hysterical, but mostly because of the joy I felt. I watch the sky, if this is my last sight, I do not mind.
   It's beautiful, shining blue, clouds spotting the blue with plush white. I may be falling but I'm falling through the sky, swimming through the air.
   I fall into the hole, into the darkness, and not a second later, my back hits something hard, but I am not dead. The wind is knocked out of me. The thing cradles my body, and even throws me back into the air a few times.
   A net, I was right, there was a net. I'm still laughing, my breath finally coming back to me.
   "Did I really just jump off a roof?" I ask no one in particular, breathless, "can I do it again?"
   I hear a laugh over to one side of the net and I look over. A few different hands are there to help me off the net. I grab the closest one and they pull me off. I fall towards the ground, face first, but he catches me.
   His hands touch the bare skin of my waist, helping me to stand upright. Once I am steady, he lets go.
   "Thank you," I say, looking up at him.
   I am met with deep, rich blue eyes, that stare into my soul, looking at the darkest parts of me. It's unnerving.
   "I can't believe it," a dark-haired girl says from behind him, she has three silver rings through her eyebrows, "a Flower Child, here in Dauntless? Unheard of. Not to mention, first jumper?"
   "She left for a reason Lauren," he tells her, his voice a deep bass, "whats your name?"
   I pause, remembering what Lynn had said about my name. Morgana, it is a very Amity name. Passed down from my great grandma on my mother's side, Amity born.
   "You can pick a new one," he says, a small, almost unnoticeable smile on his lips, "this is your only chance, you don't get to pick again."
   Morgana was an Amity name, the name of a girl who climbed trees to pick their fruits, a girl who practiced kindness and harmony, and I wasn't her, not anymore. I was a Dauntless now, a girl who jumped off buildings and trains and laughed while she did it.
   "Mor," I nod, sure of myself, "my name is Mor."
   "Mor," Lauren repeates, "make the announcement Four."
   Four, smiles again, wider this time, turning to look over his shoulder, "first jumper, Mor!"
   A crowd materializes from the shadows, cheering loudly for me, Mor. And then another person is dropping into the net, the Candor girl that was with the Abnegation girl, she screams the whole way down. The Dauntless laugh, but cheer for her anyway.
   Four places his hand on the small of my back, his warm hand on my bare skin, "welcome to Dauntless, Mor."

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