|1| • Brian May? •

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Hello everyone!

I'm glad you managed to find the second part to Memories in the depths of wattpad. This continues when Brian and Henrietta have returned from Tenerife after their 2 week holiday. I won't keep you longer, I hope you enjoy this book as much as the last. And as always, please don't be shy to share your opinion! 😊

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Since Brian and I had gotten back from Tenerife four days ago life had been to the busy normality. I was supposed to be on holiday until today, but my boss had called me in on Friday and Saturday because my colleague had broken his leg biking home from work the Thursday evening we had landed at Heathrow. I could have said no and left him hanging but that wasn't me, so I had agreed and gone to work two days earlier. Brian had tried to convince me to stay with him for the weekend, but in the end he had agreed that I should help out my boss. He hadn't been too happy though because it meant spending less time with him.

But I had the Sunday off, so Saturday after work I didn't go home, instead I waited in front of the pharmacy until I spotted the by now very familiar car across the street. It was busy, so I waited for a chance to cross. Eventually I scurried across the street and opened the passenger door of Brian's car before I got in.

My handsome boyfriend was already smiling at me. "Hello my dear," he greeted me, moving some of the papers from the passenger seat. "How are you? How was work?"

I sat down and placed my bag on the back bench. "I'm good, and work was good too. Really busy, so it was good I came in. How are you? How was your day?"

Brian hummed a little and shrugged. "I cleaned the house, started on the beds in the garden and did a bit of grocery shopping so relatively productive. But now I'm happy that you're here." He turned his head and smiled sweetly at me.

I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "I'm happy I'm here too. Are we going straight to your place or do you have something to do here?"

"Actually I have something to do, when I dropped you off Thursday evening I brought the films to a photo lab and the photos should be ready now so I want to go pick them up."

"The photos you took in Tenerife?" I asked him excitedly. I was really looking forward to those because I knew there were some cute ones of Brian.

He nodded and smiled. "Yes, exactly, all the photos we took in Tenerife. Is that okay?"

"That is perfectly fine," I assured him and helped him maneuver out of the parking space because the road really was very busy. Eventually we managed and were on our way to pretty much the only photo lab Brian trusted with his treasured photographs. It was across the Thames so we had to make our way across one of the busy bridges. The bridges were always busy but especially at this time of day. However Brian was very particular about his photographs, so he gladly went through all that trouble to make sure they were only in the best hands.

It was almost a miracle that we found a spot to park on the same street as the photo lab, so I decided I'd go with Brian instead of waiting in the car. We both go out, Brian locked the car securely and waited for me on the sidewalk. I caught up with him and reached for his hand before we started walking along the sidewalk hand in hand. It hadn't been often that Brian and I had been in public together - at least in England, in the centre of London - so I was a little nervous, but that subsided after we had managed to walk a few hundred metres in peace. Brian seemed to notice that I relaxed a little more, because he picked up the conversation again, asking me more about the day I had.

It was good to see him again after nearly two days, I had to admit that. After a week and a half of constantly being around him it was strange to be away from him, but that was how our relationship would be and I would have to get used to that. I told Brian all about what had happened that day, hopefully he hadn't asked out of politeness. But knowing him that wasn't the case.

Memories IIWhere stories live. Discover now