Chapter 4

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Hey I'm back my brothers told me to get a life and to leave them alone. ^~^


Both Kenobi and I went for our star fighters. D8 was already ready on my ship and was ready for take off. Now we had to wait for Obi- Wan to get ready to take off. Once he was we took off and jumped into hyperspace using the rings. The whole time I was bugging him until the point he told me to shut my trap. I felt so accomplished. We then jumped out of hyperspace and I saw the water world I always heard of from other pilots while being a slave.

"There it is R4 the missing planet of the archives." Obi Wan said to his droid. Cool lets act like the Skywalker isn't here now shall we? We started to descend and there were lots of clouds.

"You know I wouldn't be surprised if we crashed into something." I said sarcastically.

"Oh Anna I forgot you were here." Kenobi said bluntly.

"And I forgot who you are. Tell me who are you?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Very funny Anna." Kenobi said.

"Well I'm not the one that forgot they had the Grand Master Jedi Padawan with him." I said sarcastically.

"Anna." he said.

"Yes?" I answered/asked.

"Shut up." he told me. I started to pout I know childish but hey I am childish. We landed and before I got out my ship I put my hood on because it was freaking pouring like badly. I met Kenobi by his ship. Freaking slow poke. We walked down to the doors near the landing pad and when we got in we both took our hoods off, "Anna you need to use your..." Kenobi started but I cut him off.

"Manners yes I know." I said in a whisper as someone came up to us.

"Master Jedi's the Prime Minister is expecting you." She said.

"We're expected?" Obi- Wan questioned.

"Yes after all these years we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now please this way." She said and started to walk away.We walked to a room and there was who I'm guessing is the prime minister, "May I present Hanstu. Prime Minister of Kamino." She said we bowed our heads, "And this is Master Jedi," She started and stopped.

"Obi Wan Kenobi." Kenobi said.

"And Padawan," She made a gesture to me and stopped.

"Anna Skywalker." I said.

"I trust you both will enjoy your stay." The Prime Minister said. He mentioned for Kenobi to sit. I took my regular spot behind the seat to the right and stayed quiet. Ha the council all over again, "And now down to business you have been invited here. Right on schedule two hundred thousand units are ready with a million more underway." The Prime Minister said. Wait two hundred thousand units of what? For what? I wasn't the only one confused Obi- Wan was too, "Please tell your Master Sifa Dias that his order will be ready on time." The Prime Minister said looking at me.

"I'm sorry master?" Obi- Wan asked.

"Jedi Master Sifa Dias is still a member of the council is he not?" The Prime Minister asked and looked back at me. Well time for me to talk.

"Master Sifa Dias was killed over ten years ago." I said. Only reason I know he was one who offered to train me.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that but I'm sure he would've been proud of the army we've built for him." The Prime Minister said.

"The army?" Obi- Wan asked.

"Yes a clone army and I must say. One if the finest we have ever created." The Prime Minister said.

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