Chapter Four

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Serenity allowed Jay to try moving their body; they were unable to fully comprehend it, but all of the pain was missing from their senses. Now pushing up into a sitting position wouldn't send sharp spikes into their side, and breathing was no longer torture but instead brought much needed comfort to their soul. Soft raindrops began to fall on their head and they looked up through the canopy above. Tall and strong trees stood around her as if they were her protectors, and the ground was a mixture of springy moss and overgrown wildflowers as far as they could see. Although the night sky was clouded, vibrant starlight filtered through to give enough light to see the colors that had welcomed Jay. With all of the beauty around, they felt as if Reality, that other grimmer, much darker place was nothing more than a nightmare. But if only that was true; they would much rather spend their days here than in the hands of a psychopath. However, knowing their time here was limited made her excited to explore. So with a melancholic heart, they set off through the forest.

The rain shifted to a fine mist that coated Jay as they weaved between the trees. It cooled their skin and freshened their mind enough for them to fully relax. Something felt familiar about this place. They knew it was the same place where they first encountered Ryuu, but it now felt so much calmer, more peaceful. Any previous experience here was nothing more than a dream they visited when scared or hurt. If all of this was real, they had not taken it in at all. The mist stopped as they reached the edge of the forest, and stopped to examine their environment. In front of them sat a large plains area, almost reaching to the horizon. Tall grass in varying hues of green and gold came up to their knees, but something odder appeared. A young woman sat in the grass with her back towards Jay, not seeming to notice them despite the crunching noise of grass beneath their feet. Jay hesitated before tapping the woman on her shoulder.

"Umm... Hello?" Startled, the woman batted Jay's hand away and jumped up, placing a hand in her tunic's pocket.

"Oh! It's you; how did you come back, and are you safe?" Jay began stuttering unintelligible sounds, not sure what to respond with.

"Were you expecting me?" Was all that they managed.

"No; well... Not so soon. My hope was that Ryuu wouldn't find you; has he?"

"Why does it matter to you?" Jay stopped before saying more, recognizing the way the woman said Ryuu's name. It was an odd mixture of concern, confusion, and contempt. "You're the one that was fighting Ryuu."

"Yes, my name is Pari." She bowed as she spoke. "I'm sure you're confused, so I want to answer any questions I can." Motioning for Jay to sit, Pari relaxed and sat as well. "Before you give me questions, I want to know your story."

"I don't know where to begin." Jay relayed every part of what they had been through, stopping when the story got to their last encounter with Ryuu.

"What brought you here tonight then?" Pari inquired, looking bemused. Something did not seem to add up in Jay's story.

"I don't know, I was hoping you could tell me."

"Were you hurt? Did Ryuu harm you in any way?" Jay's silence was enough to tell Pari everything. "Ah; well, let's start with the explanation of why you are here now. This place is a sanctuary, for those who need it. It offers solace and respite to us, and in return it is our duty to protect it and others who might end up here."

"And exactly what are we protecting a world from?"

"Do you not remember your last visit here?" Pari reached into her pocket and pulled out a stone. With a flick of her wrist she tossed it to Jay for examination. To Jay's eyes, it was small and smooth, a transparent blue around the edges with an opaque center. The center was throbbing, moving as if it were liquid. As Jay turned it over in their hands it quivered like an egg on the verge of hatching.

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