Chapter Eight: I'm Sorry

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n wake up." Lynne says lazily while she's shaking me

"Five. . . more. . . minutes. . " I grumble in response as she groans, "Come on, You expect me to be happily awake?"

"Ugh fine" I replied and stood up rubbing my eyes

"Mary Jane and Addison are preparing breakfast" Lynne rubbed her eyes

"Come on get ready." She patted my back, I got ready, took the clothes and did my stuff

I took a shower wore the clothes Lynne gave and saw the four of them eating pancakes, waffle, bacon and eggs

"Where's mine?" I asks them with sass as I put my hands on my hips

"Pancake's yours, Lynne ate all the bacon." MJ sighed and passed me a plate with pancakes

"I can't help it. At my house all I have is meat and sweets actually. . ." she defended

"Your. . . house. . ?'' Bree questioned

"Yup. Why?" She asks as if that was normal. . . is she an alien?

"Don't you guys like have your own house?" She asks shoving food into her mouth

"Uh. . . we live with our families. . . like normal teenagers do. ." MJ replies in an awkward tone in her voice

"Well. . . I'm above normal then." She replies and continued shoving good bacon to her mouth while we shrugged

After eating and getting ready, we went outside and lock our house as we saw Bucky, he waved at us

Bree, Addison and Lynne just went ahead, Lynne didn't wanna hear what he had to say, while Bree and Addison were quite upset with him

It was me and Mary Jane who were gonna talk to him. "You and me. Talk. Later." MJ stated angrily which left Bucky questioned and MJ stomped away

"Love those cheerleaders? Then support them at the pep rally today!" Principal Lee's voice echoed

"Okay. . . ? So what do you need Y/n/n?" He asks facing me

"Bucky, zombies are just like us. Picking on them isn't right, you should be old enough to know that." I told him

He looked at the zombies part and back at me, "You know these zombies are a distraction, they distract us from cheering, us, me." He pointed out

"But it still isn't right, they have feelings too." I argued

"Well, it's better if you don't question things, or Addison might get it." He threatened and I just nodded, I can't let that happen, Addison waited sixteen years long to be accepted at Seabrook Highschool and to cheer here

"Pep rally today, cuz." He said and walked off, I sighed in disappointment, I couldn't even stand against Bucky how else could I stand up for the zombies?

I went inside and looked for my friends, luckily I saw them in the cafeteria, since we didn't have first period

"Ugh. Rebbeca threw up again! This is the second time this week!" Stacey said disgust dramatically, scrunching her nose

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