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Thanks @Hipsta_Please69 for fanning, being in the contest, and becoming our editor, this ones to you!!

(I'm writing this at 4:45 am, so ignore mistakes please?)

I kept clicking back every 15 minuets, I had to win this contest. I had to. Another click, then another. One after another, up until the day they announce the winner. My phone rang on the day they announced the winner, "Hi, is this Ashley Brianna?" a lady asked.

"Yes, it is!" I said excitedly.

"You have one the 'I wanna meet 1D contest' congratulations!" the lady said, I must be on the radio right now.

I was flown out to meet One Direction, I got back stage passes, free air fare, and concert tickets. When I arrived, I was first greeted by Liam Payne.

"Hi!" I said excitedly. We had fun that day, and by the end of it, I had the boys' phone numbers and a kiss on the cheek from Liam Payne. Liam Payne kissed my cheek and told me to call him. Life=Complete.


Short, but I wanted to get that one up. If you would like one, just tell me!! ~Cede

One Shots (One Direction) ~Temporaily Closed~Where stories live. Discover now