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"Hey, Zhyzia!" all the boys choroused and Harry smiled at me as they wheeled me into a hospital room. About to have Harry Style's baby.

Lieing on the bed, I stared at the boys that came into my life at the perfect time, and helped me fix things. I was very thankful for them.

"What should we name her?" I asked Harry, we hadn't decided on a name just yet.

"Darcy." he smiled down at me.

"Darcy Ann Styles..?" I asked, all the boys nodded in agreement. I smiled and Darcy Ann Styles was born two hours later...


So ya... you know the drill by now, want one, ask, put it on the first page... blah... blah... blah... :) Give me what I ask for, most of the time it's all I use unless you ask me to metion something.

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