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I bloody love this dress except for me it has to be black😂 and Kiiara!!!

"Brave girl, never settle again."- The better man project.

The ballroom was vast and dim. Every body of every man and woman cast dancing shadows on the floor and walls. It was truly grand, formed into a masquerade ball. Black and gold voile drapes flowed dancing with the wind blowing in from the open balconies. Candles lit around, fake in case of a fire breaking out. The room transformed fitting of a real regal ball fit for royalty. The bar sat on the left, gold and mirror reflecting movement, faces of laughing people, and lustful eyes. The bartenders who watched longingly after the rich. The eyes of men that wandered off from their companions imagining bedding other woman. And the attempted seduction of women openly inviting straying eyes. She laughed harshly to herself, laced with an undertone of anger and defeat.

She wondered if her only friend Freddie would be arriving anytime soon. Yet there was that slight relief from her not witnessing her as she went on her endless path of self destruction. Because money and power didn't mean freedom. She questioned why she was here, how she even ended up here. How she had grown to become so numb and emotionless. When did she lose her heart?


He grumbled under his breath, holding his head as he nursed his drink. Turning he came face to face with his mom who no doubt would tell him off for disappearing so quick. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't  be bothered to deal with the same shallow faces. Whose eyes were greedy for only two things. Money and power. He was privileged he knew he that despite how much he abused it.

"Yes mama?"

He turned to look at her. His mother was a saint. Vivienne was tall and lean. Her honey eyes shine of warmth and love. Her hair short and brown. She wore a dark green dress matching his father. She was the only woman he knew who couldn't be bought and she made sure to instil similar values in him. Yet if you looked closer you saw a frail, tired woman. One on the verge of giving in to the pain. He wondered to himself as she talked at him why she didn't leave. Go live a life fitting for a queen.

"Your father is here let's go."


The soft voice floated through the air. There was no one here that would care about who she was. Close to no one knew of her existence. Turning she saw the fiery head of Freddie as she made her way through the entrance muttering and stink eyeing the people who wouldn't give away. She stood arms crossed amused at her little friend who stopped in front of her, running her hands over her dress. Freddie was beautiful through and through. She never asked too many prying questions, letting her get comfortable to speak at her own pace and time. She wore a nude dress made all of lace. Underneath a nude bodysuit making the patterns look like they were drawn onto her chocolatey skin brining out her hispanic side. Her lips were coated in a soft baby pink whilst her eyes were smoky bringing out her emerald eyes. She was a real wonder with her natural hair and eyes from her dad while being gifted with curves and colour from her mom.


She waved a hand in front of her face, bringing her out of her trance. Looking at her she hugged her briefly.

"You look smoking hot love."

The words were muffled into her shoulder. Breaking away she looked at what she was wearing. It was simple something she could blend into with the remaining people with. The dress was black and completely made from tulle. A deep slit ran up her leg, and the front a deep v. It was off shoulder as material covered the lengths of her arms hanging slightly over her hand. The back completely missing yet her hair down covering every inch of her back. She fixed her hair to make sure it did. Underneath she wore a nude underwear to make sure nothing was on show. The dress was practically see through. Simple strapped heels adorned her feet and her only jewellery a pair of diamond studs. Her eye makeup was heavy and dark. Her lips a stark blood red against her pale skin. She looked special. She felt nothing. Shrugging at her friend she grabbed her hand turning to the mass of soulless bodies.

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