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[ October 3 ; Saturday ]

"Hello ma'am can you hear me?" A voice echoed in your head. "Blink once if you hear me" it said and so you did. (Blink once, lol two powerful fandoms)

"The victim regained her consciousness" the person shouted. "Ma'am blink twice if you see me, what do you see?" You did not however blink twice, and you sat up.

Your call 911 was fruitful, you were saved. You and your stepmo—

Holy shit where is my stepmother?!

"My stepmother!" You said jolting awake.

"You had someone with you? Besides that girl?" He asked pointing at the ambulance.

"What's your name?" He asked. "(Y-Y/N) (L/N)" you whispered in fear.

Your father came and brought you to the police. In front of the officer you removed your mask, showing that you were indeed (Y/N). You told them everything, you also told them that, that man wasn't Yoongi based on his voice, although that voice seemed familiar it wasn't him.

"So the woman that was killed was a classmate of yours and you think she was killed because you had a playful banter with her?" He asked shockingly.

"I suppose, yeah" you replied.

"H-how did he know you with this mask?" He asked poking the mask with his pen.

"I seriously don't know, but I think that he has been following us since we entered the mall"

"But you've been wearing the mask ever since you left the house!" Your father said puzzled with this information.

"How did he do that? Kids these days are crazy, oh my dear lord" he whispered to himself.

"And your stepmother, as you last saw was shot in the leg." He said and you nodded.

"Sir, there is a chance that your wife is alive based on what she said. If she was shot in the leg there is huge percentage that the murderer wanted her alive for something" he said hopefully facing your father


"Wh-what will happen to mother?" You asked to your father,

"I honestly don't know" your father cried. It was the second time you heard him cry, first was when your real mother died. The officer handed him tissues and your father accepted it and thanked him.

"I'm sorry daddy" you said, he looked at you smiling. The smile that was pained.

"Don't be, your mother will be returned back." He said, hope glistening in his eyes "Please promise me you won't leave home without my permission" he said looking straight at your eyes, "I've already lost your mommy, I can't lose you and your stepmother too" he said scornfully.

"I promise I won't" you said holding his hands and hugging him tight. The police agreed that you must be at home at all times, your father hired an old bodyguard that was always at the front porch.

That also concluded that you couldn't go out. Not that you wanted to, it was too traumatic. Only your father and some maids were allowed to enter the house. At nights you bonded with your father, making him happy. Although every night, even after all the laughing you guys did, he'd always cry himself to sleep. Always.

This whole fiasco kept you at night too. You couldn't sleep in fear that you'll hear those clicking camera sounds or that loud gunshots and it terrified you to the bone. You watched KDramas and netflix series at your home during night and that would make you sleepy, but you would jolt wide awake every time you heard something. Which was all the time.

Two weeks passed and there's still no progress. Yoongi wake up and he was questioned. He said that the stalker called him and it told him that he left (Y/N) at the cemetery. So he did came rushing at the cemetery, but he saw a man in a mask and black coat. It matched the description of your 2nd stalker. And of course he denied the accusations of being your first stalker.

You sighed deeply, when was this gonna end.

A new unknown number texted you, oh no not again!

Unknown Number:

Again 😪

Why did you block me?
That was r00d🙃


I can kill her anytime now~

Unknown number sent a picture.

The picture was a selfie, the guy wearing his mask and your stepmother sitting on a chair, with bruises everywhere and swollen eyes that looked like they just cried.

No pls dont kill her i beg you

Will you come to me? willingly?

I'll promise I'll let go of
this bitch

just dont tell anyone and
come here alone.❤️

So we can have alone time.

i |
i wo |
i wont ever |
i wont ev |
i won |
i will, text me the adr |

Someone snatched your phone.

"I can't believe this, you're talking with him!" Your father out of nowhere said.

"No daddy, I swear that's just toda—" you explained yourself, fearing that he'd hate you.

"And you were giving yourself to him?!" He scolded. "UNBELIEVABLE!" He scoffed.

"To get Mother back! I'm doing this to get mother back" you cried. He looked at you softly as you sobbed. This was your fault, all of this won't happen if you didn't leave Yoongi, Yoongi just wanted to protect you. What would happen if you did stay with Yoongi.

But Yoongi's crazy too!— the angel at your left said.

But Yoongi, made your heart beat, gave you everything you need, cheered you up when you were sad, and let you go even if he didn't want to because for him your happiness is top priority.— the devil on your right replied.

Shut up bitch— the angel replied rolling here eyes.

"This is all my fault" you cried out. I shouldn't have bothered you and I, and I—"

"Hush now dear, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you" he said hugging you. "It's not your fault"

"I'm sorry, I dragged you into this mess" you said, while crying. "Y-you, I-I, I'm sorry daddy" you whispered. "I shouldn't have shared my problems, shouldn't have burdened you and mother"

"It's fine, that's what families are for" he smiled.

[A/N: is this going too fast?]

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