A Ride Home

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I was walking one the sidewalk of the cold raining night I could barley see trying to make it to my house but I had a sense I was being followed. It was to dark to see anything or anyone then this guy was standing at the end of the side walk where I needed to turn I tried to run but I was clumsy and fell he rushed to me and help me up his body felt utterly cold but I couldn't tell if it was the rain or I was going nuts.

"Hi I'm Emmett Cullen." I assumed he was smiling at me. " what is your name?"

"I'm Bella swan I think I'm lost I'm trying to get home." I said as I searched for a street sign or something to tell me where I was at.

"Bella I can give u a ride home i know where you live and my car is parked on the end of the parking lot across the street." he grabbed is umbrella and put it over me.

"Sure, that would be nice." As we hurried to the car he let me in and shut the door hurrying to his side and got in. " Wait how do you know where I live?"

He smiled. " Well miss Bella I drive by your home on the way to my home. one day I saw you getting out of your truck so I just assumed you lived in that two story home." He began to drive

" Why did you wait in the rain like that it was a bit creepy?" I stared at him.

He didn't say a word he looked as if he was thinking of what to say then he broke the silence. " You see Bella I could stand in the rain for hours I just saw you from a far and we didn't want you to get hurt."

" Well thank you Emmett. wait who is we, and how did you see me from afar through the rain" He look at me an back at the road.

" Erm it is none, were here have a good night Bella." He said

" I looked at him are you gonna tell me who was we and how you could see me through the heavy rainfall." I started right in to his cold back eyes. wait black why were they black.

"Bel-"He was cut off by me

"Also why are your eyes black?" I asked as quickly as I thought it.

"Bella it is time for you to go I might tell you someday and I might not now as for my eyes there contacts good night." He flashed a hesitant grin as I got out I slammed his door shut I could here him chucked and he sped off.

I ran inside, dad I'm home. no answer I was shocked and yelled again dad I'm home I went up stairs and found a note on my door

"My Bella I left because work called me out to handle some business ill be back in a few days remember school starts at 9 ends at 3 Jake will have your truck at the house before you wake up good night Bella be safe love your dad"

I sighed to my self dad was always gone days at a time and it never bothered me sense I was used to it. I went up to my room and got out of the wet clothing and into something dry. I curled up into bed and swore I saw a man in my room but the lightning flickered and he vanished I could even tell what he looked like I was froze in horror so I dialed Jake.

ring ring ring

"Bella its 3:40 in the morning are you ok?"

" Jake I'm scared please come to my house now I dont care about the truck just hurry I'm scared!"

" Bella calm down honey I'm on my way." He hung up and I garbed my knife by my night stand and held it about twenty minuets he showed up opened my door to my house and ran up stairs.

"Bella?" He yelled I screamed so loud I'm pretty sure all of America could hear me.

"Bella honey calm down I'm here what happened." Jake said with a worried expression.

" Jake I dont know I got out of the wet cloths and I got dressed and I thought I saw a person in my room and the lighting flickered and he disappeared and I dont know if it was me or what but I'm scared."

"Bella where is your dad?" he asked sitting on my bed.

"I uh he went on a work trip thing and I'm stuck alone a couple of days this has scared me so bad I dont wanna be left alone." I said as I tried to slow my breathing.

" Bella ill stay here with you until your dad comes back and you can get rides to school on the back of my bike." He smiled as he reached for my knife, I let him have it.

" Jake thank you. Your always the person I can come to." I spoke softly and he smiled as he put my knife in his pocket and laid on my bed.

"Bella lay down your gonna be so tired for school tomorrow if you dont get any rest." I shook my head yes and I laid my head down on his chest while he pulled the covers over me. Morning came as quick as my sleep started.

Jake woke me up. "Bella get up or you will be late to school."

I smiled his voice always made me smile in a way none else would oh come on Bella what are you thinking you have known Jake sense you were a baby dont start getting feelings for him now. I snapped out of thought as I started putting blue jeans on and a black shirt and Jake rudely walks in, well I thought it was rude. "Bella I want you to look like a bad ass on your fist day so why dont you try on some leather." I looked down at the leather tights, black corset top and motor cycle boots in his hands. oh god I wanted to rip my clothing off right then and put in on but I didn't want him getting the wrong idea. I smiled and took them he walked out and I quickly changed for the second time and came down stairs.

" Fuck Bella you look hot." I blushed and caught myself getting lost in his eyes, Bella snap out of it.

"oh um thank you I guess." he grabbed my bag and nearly dragged me out of the house.

" Hang tight sugar you have never been on a bike so tell me if I need to take it slow." he somewhat blushed and I got on then away we went.

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