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The house had opened windows a large driveway with flowers that lead up to the doorway. the whole place was lit up and there was no privacy I gulped there was no way I could compete with this. Alice jumped out of her car and headed up the trail to the house I tried to keep up but she was to fast. Edward was there at the door.

"Bella?" He said socked "You were Alex's girlfriend."

"Yes it was not the best realtionship. Everyone thought Alex was a angel but he really wasn't, he hurt me so many times and I had enough I left him then last I found out he was dead. What ever you say it was not my fault." I said as stern as I could with all the eyes watching me.

"Bella follow me." he held a hand out for me.

"No, I would rather follow anyone else but you. You were a jack ass today what makes you think I would follow you." I said staring up at him.

" Well I wanted talk to you alone and explain myself to you." he said still holding his hand out I took it and followed him up the stairs.

"I have only been here two days I want to know why everything is moving so fast and why. In case none has noticed I am confused I dont understand " I tried not to have a breakdown right there.

"I know this is all confusing to you trust me I understand but I need to tell you a few things." He said letting go of my hand as he walked to his bed.

"Well talk than." I went and sat next to him on his bed. I had never noticed how handsome he was, Edward was breath taking and just a amazing sight to look at.

"Bella I know I was a jerk I just couldn't contain my self today the way you look the way you smell everything about you is perfect and I just was hoping if I was a ass you wouldn't look at me the way you did. I saw in your eyes what you wanted deep down. You might not admit it to your self but you did." We sat in silence while I contemplated what he has just said it was true I saw him and I could feel theses feeling but I didn't admit them to myself or nothing in stead I pushed them onto Jake and now he thinks I have small thing for him which I dont I never will I just wanted to look like a bad ass in front of everyone and I might have just ripped Jakes heart out.

"Look Edward I might of somewhat had feeling when I saw you but that dont mean I want or need you." I stared into his eyes but I did want him I wanted what he had right then right there. 'Plus Edward I have only been here two days and just met you today and now your being sweet and all this."

"Bella I understand but think of how it was with you and Alex everything played into part and everything worked out intel his passing will you give me once chance to show you I'm not the Edward you met a few hours ago?" He said which almost sounded like he was pleading.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. "I will let you prove your self as long as you let me try something" I whispered. "And you need to close your eyes."

"Bella-" He was cut off bye me.

"Edward Cullen close your eyes." I commanded and he stared at me and smiled.

"Alright I will." he closed his eyes and he smiled. he looked like a king just perfect still not moving a inch and just smiled a he waited for me. Common Bella woman up and do this stop being a child take what you want! I talked my self into it. I sat in his lap and put my lips to his. He grabbed around my waist and pulled me closer to him as he laid me onto the bed, he paused.

"Bella, you just met me how far are you wanting to take this kiss." He said unsure.

"As far as it will let us I whispered back and he began to kiss my neck. Right then I knew Edward Cullen was mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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