Chapter 2: The First Reunion

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He dropped me off right out front, and patted my head to wish me luck, driving off shortly after I exited the car. I let a soft sigh out, shook my head and walked indoors.

The lady who stood to greet new students at the door wreaked of old perfume, and her personality even more so. She stood poised at the doorway, perfectly straight in posture and just as proper. Her voice was almost regal, unfitting for such a low-brow high school. Her brow was laced with drips of emerging sweat, as if she was hiding some unspoken fear, too. She eyed each incoming student, searching for someone. That's when her gaze locked on me. She stared in my direction, biting her lower lip for a few seconds before returning to her poised posture.

I grabbed my tied hair, a small pout forming on my face as I immersed myself in the pool of students. I soon arrived at my first class, sat on the window line of seats, and buried my head in between my hands.

The day could not have gone by any slower. My teachers with their fake smiles and fake enthusiasm instructed us on what we would be doing in each class, as if names like "Algebra" and "Physics" weren't enough to figure that out.

It was at lunch I found them again. The void black ahoge cut through the rest of the students' appearances. Our eyes locked together, as Shuichi's seemingly empty expression quickly changed to a flicker of happiness and hope. He approached me, both of us seeming confused by this normal atmosphere.

Behind him was a short puff of red hair, who I quickly deduced from her small stature was Himiko. Somehow, we had been fortunate enough to attend the same high school. I'm sure that was done to isolate us together. Whatever the reason as to why, I was nonetheless pleased to see them again.

My delight and gratitude was interrupted by a hug. Shuichi had come up to me, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks, and burrowed his head between mine and my shoulders.

"Maki... I'm so glad to see you again... It's been a while."

Team Danganronpa had separated us following our therapy into different households. We hadn't really been able to communicate because of our reimersion process into the real world, so it had been months since any of us had spoken.

"Ah.. Shuichi! I'm glad too. I, um... missed you both." My cheeks flushed a light red, my eyes naturally shifting downwards to avoid locking eyes with him.

I'd always admired Shuichi. He was stronger than anyone in that game. He gave us all freedom with his rejection of the game, and I respected his dedication.

"Maki! You're looking great! I missed you too!"

Himiko's frail voice had been replaced by that of a strong, matured woman. The experience had caused her to become more self-reliant, and her willpower and grown exponentially as well. I was proud of her.

The three of us began talking normally, discussing our new households and daily lives following our release. Lunch passed somewhat quickly, and we checked each other's schedules only to find we had no classes together. Of course.

The rest of the day passed without incident. More fake teachers, more fake smiles. They were easy to understand, with none really standing out above the rest.

Outside of school, my father awaited me in his same chrome-colored car. He would pick me up and drop me off at home during his break at work, and return for a few hours after. The drive home was peaceful, and the short time passed with his ponderous questions regarding how my day was.

A sleek black van stood directly on the street in front of my door. First approaching it, it seemed somewhat out of place, but that's when the familiar logo appeared.

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