Untitled Part 1

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Bucky glared daggers at Steve from his spot next to Peter, both sat in car seats. Bucky was pissed, he couldn't wear his arm so he was a one handed toddler at the moment. Steve snorted from the drivers seat, they where currently stuck in traffic so when he turned to face them with a smirk there wasn't much of a chance to get hit. "What's the matter Buck-a-roo? Why don't you nap like Peter?" He asks. He took both of their figures in as asked.

Bucky was an incredibly cute toddler. Large grey eyes covered most of his face, a button nose, shoulder length black hair and the cutest amount of baby fat he'd ever seen. He was currently sat in a matching set of overalls that had a small rabbit on it. He could tell the lack of arm was bothering him though.

Peter was slightly older than the last time he was shrunk, being around two now. He still had his big brown doe eyes, freckles, curls and little button nose. He was a admittedly a smaller toddler compared to Bucky but it wasn't by much. He was also wearing the overalls and was thankfully asleep.

Bucky continued to glare at him, a grunt escaping him as he kicked at the air in front of him. "....Big." He demands and Steve cracks a grin, turning back to the wheel with a chuckle.

"In three weeks kiddo" He says calmly, Bucky let out an angry growl. "Don't growl at me little man. I could of made this so much worse, now close your eyes and nap whilst I drive." He orders, glancing at Bucky he sighs seeing him continue to glare. "I will pop a pacifier into that mouth of yours and play Disney songs until you crash." He threats and watches Bucky grunt and push himself back in his chair, arms crossed and one of the cutest pouts that Steve had ever seen. "Awwwwww" He croons and Bucky growls at him.

"Fuck off." He growls at him. Steve huffs out a laugh.

"Language." He scolds and Bucky glares more.

"Curse word." He mumbles.

The car ride was silent after that.


Steve brought the sleeping boys inside. Keeping them in the chairs he sets them in the front room so he can unpack, He checked on them regularly as he set things up in the joined nursery. He stretched a little as he finished and wondered back into the room to see Bucky trying to get out of the car seat angrily. "Well good afternoon sunshine." He coo's, he spares a glance at Peter who was currently sat glaring at him from his own seat. "I see you're both up. Can you bear with my whilst I place the last few things in and then you can play till your hearts content." He says happily. Bucky looks at him briefly before raising his hand calmly and giving him the middle finger. Steve glares as Peter joins in. "Oh, you're defiantly staying there now." He says calmly getting up and leaving them there.

"Undo it." Bucky says to Peter once Steve left the room, Peter looks at him in surprise and cracks a grin. "Don't even start." Bucky's voice was up by four octaves from it's already high start. "I mean it. Undo the buckle." Bucky demands and Peter rolls his eyes and taps the clip.

"It's finger print access only. In other words, me and you can't open it. Steve can." He huffs out and rests his head on the chair. "So like you never said you had such a high voice as a kid." Peter states and Bucky growls. 

"I will kill you. I'm still enhanced you little shit." Peter grinned at him as Bucky made his threats.

"I can climb up walls and you don't have your net this time." He teased and Bucky growled. He opened his mouth to argue but stopped at the sight of Steve walking in with a baby gate.

"Are you being good?" He asks as he starts securing it, back turned to the boys. "Because it doesn't sound like you're being good. Arguing and threatening each other, that's not being good." Steve says casually as he fits it to the door that enters the front room from the hall before moving to the door that connects it to the kitchen. "I hope you're being good, because not being good means I'll have to warm my hand and leave you with sore bottoms." He comments off-handily and the two toddlers grunt in annoyance. "That's what I thought." He finishes with the door and locks them both shut before walking over to the boys with a put a-pon sigh. "Lets get you guys out to play." He states, pressing his thumb to Peter's clip first and setting him on the floor, doing the same with Bucky he puts a bunch of toys on the floor. "Go play. I'm still putting things together." Bucky grumbles, awkwardly standing and trying to balance enough to walk, Peter looks to him with a frown. 

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