Untitled Part 5

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It was pretty late at night when it started. Bucky was shaking like a leaf and gripping at his pajama's with whimpers. Peter cracked an eye open to see him silently screaming at something and blinked. "Bubby?" He mumbles tiredly, Bucky gave more whimpers and finally a ear piercing scream echoed through the room. Causing the boy to flinch and squeak as Bucky continued to wail and beg.

"P'EASE LEMME DIE!" Bucky's voice echoed and slurred, the adults bolted into the room and Bucky's eyes shot open in time to slam himself back against the bars. "Go'way! Don't come near ma!" He screamed at them all, Steve flinched away and Pepper hid behind the man. Tony glanced between Peter and Bucky before gently opening the cribs up for both of them, Bucky growls at him and Tony scoffs.

"Relax snowflake. No ones going to touch you if you don't want that." He says gently, he backs up into the doorway with the other two adults, listening as Bucky's sobs start to calm down. He almost had a heart attack when he saw Peter climb out of the crib and toddler over to the toy chest. "Peter.." He tries to sway him, pausing when he saw Peter grab a Bucky bear doll and toddler over to Bucky.

"Wh...wha?" Bucky tries to form some words but Peter just grunts softly.

"Shu'up. Take da bear an' breath you drama queen." Peter mumbles and Bucky sniffles latching onto the bear. Peter lays in his crib with him and feels Bucky latch onto his hand. 

"They...ge'me.." Bucky whispers and Peter snorts at that.

"No one gecha. Go' Ironcane, S'ar Sprangle...an' Mama." He mutters. "You's fiinneee" He smiles as the boys eyes start to close. His own not far behind. 

Once they where both asleep the adults surrounded the crib and cooed. Taking a few pictures they silently agreed to see how tomorrow went for Bucky before making any decisions. 


Bucky was getting a lot of attention from the three adults today, since last night he was jumpy and snappy, exhaustion on his face. The adults where being extra sweet to him and trying to keep him as calm as possible. The boy was especially irritable towards them all, even when Steve and Tony tried to give him some candy, right now all the adults where attempting to get the boy down for an early nap. "Come on Bucky, just a small nap." Tony's voice echoed from down the hall. Peter snorted from his spot by the TV and looks around. He was alone, it was hot outside and there was a load of flowers not to far from the cabin he knew Pepper would love, looking around he shuffled his way over to the wall and climbed up it and over the baby gate. He stuck close to the ceiling, fully away that he'd be very sore if he gets caught sneaking out. He spots the bay window by the front room wide open and makes a b-line for it. Once the kid was outside he pretty much bolted for the woodland area, thinking he knew where he was going. Blissfully unaware of the fact he was going the wrong way.

An hour later and Pepper wondered into the front room, getting ready to spend some time with Peter as the other was finally asleep. She froze at the sight of the empty room and small footprints that rested on the wall and ceiling from Peter's earlier activity of painting, she follows them to the window and watches the footprints fade just as they get to the sill. She breaths in deeply, trying not to panic as she practically sprints to Tony and Steve. "Peter's gone!" She pants out when she finds them in the kitchen, Steve drops the apple he was drinking and Tony chokes on his coffee. 

"Shhhiiiittttt" Tony mutters and puts his cup down. "Ok...ok...I'll grab my suit. I can scan the woods. It couldn't have been that long since he ran off right?" The silence that greeted him made him groan. "Ok...ten minutes." He says calling one of his suits and waiting for it to arrive. They all hoped Peter was ok.


Peter looked around tiredly for the flower patch, he'd been looking for ages now and he couldn't seem to find it. He let out a small sniffle and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Flower...flower..." He mutters, his small legs getting shaky he sits down by a tree. A small sniffle escaping him as he looked at his clothes. He'd managed to fall down earlier and cover him self in dirt and leaves, the shirt had a large hole in it from where a stick got stuck. He wasn't enjoying his little adventure and just wanted to go back to the cabin and pretend nothing happened. He sniffled loudly as he felt pain on his backside, he wasn't sure if it was anticipation for the spanking he was surely going to get or if it was from the rash that was starting in his diaper. Maybe both.

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