Untitled Part 4

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Bucky and Peter where going to be the death of the team and it was all Clint's fault. Said archer had sent two large cases of candy for the boys, before any of the adults could take them away the two had demolished the sugary snacks. That was an hour ago and the entire the cabin was destroyed. 

The front room was a war zone. Sofa's turned over, cushions torn to pieces. Broken vases, pictures and a disconnected tv laid across the floor.

The halls where covered in paint, feathers and glitter. All thanks to Steve's idea of calming them down with painting.

The kitchen was safe thankfully but the real fun was in the nursery. The walls had gone from a beautiful baby blue to a glitter covered rainbow of every colour, swears where painted here and there. A broken window laid in the room and toys where torn apart. The cribs where upside down but thankfully in tact. All in all it looked like a bomb hit the cabin and all the adults could do was stare at it.

"....What the heck...." Pepper says staring at the boys who look up from their hyper chatter and grin excitedly at her. "Do you-"

"Mama! We pla' an' an' look!" He showed her excitedly, Pepper groans inwardly at the sight of the new mess on the floor but puts on a small smile for the boys. Tony looks like he's going to pass out and Steve looks ready to leave.

"Ok, what about all the....mess you made?" She asks and Bucky jumps in with it and grins.

"Testin' ma arm!" He waves the artifical one excitedly. "Ni say we could" He adds on and Tony chokes a bit on his own air.

"I said test it with an adult! You don't just-you broke sofas and pictures and-" Bucky and Peter turn to him with big round eyes that scream 'You love us really' and Tony goes quiet. "Right no. If you're going to be hyper you're going to be hyper and confined." Before anyone could question it Tony grabbed Steves arm and dragged him out the room.

"Tony!" Pepper calls as they dissapear out the back door. Pepper stares at the boys in front of her who grin excitedly at her. Pepper groans at the realisation she was going to be dealing with two very hyper little boys. "Ok...no more paints, how about a nice fun bath and then...I'll take you both for a walk." She says with a grin, the boys let out a loud cheer and Pepper run (waddle) to the bathroom in excitment. She shook her head with a sigh and glared at the door Tony and Steve ran out off. "You better be getting something good." She says with a grunt and makes her way into the bathroom.


Pepper grumbles a little as she finally gets Bucky clipped into the twin stroller. The bath went well enough, Peter and Bucky splashing each other and making up an incrediably adorable game with their rubber ducks. What seemed to upset them both was the idea of being in a stroller for a duration of the walk instead of using their legs although Pepper had tried to explain they where too hyper to walk without two adults that just seemed to upset them more. "Walk" Bucky repeats the word as she opens the front door to get them out.

"No Buck-a-roo. We're strolling in the woods for a bit and then when we get somewhere secluded and SAFE. Then you can run around till you crash out on the floor." She says simply, closing the door behind her. She started pushing the two down the path into the woods, smiling softly as she hears the two boys grumpily chat away.

"If I big I 'ould break da...da s'raps an'....an' toddally ge'way" Bucky says in a very serious tone, Peter snorts loudly and huffs.

"Nu-uh. I go' ma s'rength bu' I s'ill can' ge'way" Peter argues with a huff. "Da'de ma'it so we can' ge'way 'cause he mean" Pepper could practically hear the pout on his lips.

"Tha's mean." Bucky mumbles with a loud huff. "He mean. Wanna run'round." He mumbles a little and Peter mumbled a soft agreement.

"Mama an' Cap mean too. Cap make us go bed early 'cause he mean. Mama mean 'cause we can' walk or...or p'ay when we wanna. Mean." Petter mumbles in a huff and Pepper grins a bit at that. 

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