Dreamlover [Ziam]

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This was an idea I had for a while and I was in the mood to write it. Don't worry, this will definitely have a second part. Enjoy.

It was supposed to be a whole new chapter in Liam's life. Touring was like a double edged sword. He enjoyed the loud cheers from the crowd and feeling the whole room illuminated; however, it was grueling and left him exhausted each and every night.

He had no time for himself.

His search for true love felt like a sea of sharks; every time he thought he had found it led him to another torn limb, mainly his heart. 

The next leg of their tour was about to start and management had asked each of the boys to pick a song for a solo section at the end of the show. The catch was, the song had to have been released during the year of their births, 1993 in Liam's case. The song was supposed to give the fans a look into their lives.

Liam had always been infatuated by his band mate Zayn. No one knew and it was getting quite a challenge on controlling. His golden orbs were hypnotizing and Liam could help but be put in a trance whenever he secretly stared. He couldn't help it; Zayn was magnetic. His mere presence always brought more energy in the room.

The song choice was a no brainer for Liam.

Liam could only picture being together with Zayn only in his dreams. Reality was a bitch, but during this song; it would not matter.

For once in his life, he was going to make a statement.

He could care less about the consequences; though Liam doubts that anyone would ever come to the conclusion that it's his about his desire to be with Zayn.

They were all single except for Louis and it killed Liam that he was so close; yet so far off in the distance.

For one, Zayn preferred tuna.

Liam really never let his orientation define him, He liked what he liked and that was the end of it.

He never really spoke about it and honestly, it wouldn't bother him if the world found out.

Liam had begun working on his song. Why did he have to choose such a difficult song?  Anytime you try to sing a Mariah Carey song, 99% of the time it doesn't do the song justice.

He needed someone to do some of the harmonies throughout the song. Drastic times called for drastic measures. He got his people to get in touch with Mariah's and luck had it that she was in London during the day of the show.

He had found out that Mariah was thrilled that one of her songs was chosen for the show. He had briefly spoken to her on the phone. Her advice was, just breathe.

"Everyone thinks it's all about the vocal acrobatics and runs, but a song has to actually make you feel something. You need to put every ounce of emotion as if it were your last breathe".

Liam felt a bit at ease after hearing advice. Even though the song was a bit out of his range, he worked at it. The show was in just a few days and his voice felt like it was being put through the ringer.

The night before was nerve wracking. He had managed not to fumble any of the lyrics throughout the day but some of those notes were tricky. The song was merely another stepping stone for him. He had gotten through the grueling X-Factor; which really meant that this should be a walk in the park.

His band mates had noticed that he was on edge. They continued to give him concerned glances but he put on a smile that delivered the message loud and clear. Back off.

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