Chandelier [Ziam/Ziall]

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Warning: this one shot may cause certain triggers. Beware.

Love is like a bee; it can be sweet but has the potential to be venomous if disrupted. That's what Zayn felt. He was alone in his mind. Both Liam and Niall had shown interest but the two constantly clashed and Zayn was sick of the endless bickering.

Zayn had never asked for this. All he ever wanted was somebody that would love him regardless of his faults. Well. attracting multiple guys was one of those faults.

He has loved both equally. Liam was sweet and very caring. He paid attention to all the details. Liam knew everything from how Zayn preferred his coffee to all of his pastimes which included writing, drawing as well as his fascination for tattoos.

Niall was equally great. His humor could bright up the darkest of days and Zayn found him to be quite the charmer. He always kept Zayn on his toes with his spontaneous surprises as well as his sense of humor.

Two guys, one choice.

It happened so quickly. Zayn couldn't say no to either of them since had such a connection.

The moment they had found out was pure hell. 

Zayn was in the middle of it all.

He never experienced pure happiness. It was all a never ending battle chaotic fights, arguments that really begun to take a toll on Zayn's mental health.

Zayn had to make an impossible choice.

That very day as he was driving through the scorching sun, Sia's Chandelier came on the radio and really resonated with how he was feeling. He started singing one of the verses"

Sun is up, I'm a mess; gotta get out now, gotta run from this. Here comes the shame, here comes the shame.

1,2,3 1,2,3 drink 1,2,3 1,2,3 drink  1,2,3 1,2,3 drink 

Throw em back til I lose count

I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier. I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist, like it doesn't exist. I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry. I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier.

He was sick of everything. He wanted to live one happy moment as his last. That's when Zayn know that this would be his moment.

It was a quiet day. Zayn had the day off work and he was alone in his flat. 

The neighbourhood was normally very busy, filled with children's laughter in the background. 

Today was not a normal day. Everything was silent. 

You could honestly hear the drop of a needle on the ground. The silence was chilling.

As he pulled up into his driveway, he thought of both of his friends. He didn't deserve either of them

He was the source of all this madness and quite frankly, he felt dirty.

As he got undressed, the happy moments from both of his relationships begun to flash before his eyes. That happiness was long gone.

Zayn had begun the process. His body was beginning to feel the impact and everything was slowly beginning to feel fuzzy.

The feeling was euphoric. Everything that Zayn enhaled was beginning to impact his body. He feel invincible; the pain dissipated into nothingness.

Zayn blasted Chandelier as he took shots alone in his flat. He danced around with every bit of passion.

No one could judge him. He felt at peace by his lonesome self.

By the end of the song everything seemed to disappear. Zayn couldn't feel anything. His body was lying down peacefully as sirens echoed off in the distance.


Zayn had regained some sort of consciousness; however, he wasn't in his physical body. Or rather he was but he had no control.

It was in a room whiter than the deepest part of the tundra. 

He wasn't meant to live, he was supposed to perish. 

This confused him. As he pondered what happened to him, he noticed the two figures that walked into the room.

It was Liam and Niall.

The concern in their faces was very much apparent. It looked as if they hadn't slept in days. It pained Zayn to see both of his soulmates in so much pain.

Zayn hates the fact that even in his deathbed, he still is a buden to others. 

"Niall it's all my fault. If I was such an arse maybe he'd still be here."

It was Liam. Sweet and sensitive Liam. It killed Zayn though he wasn't sure what he was to see him like that.

"Liam, I could've been a better friend.. I cared for Zayn but never really thought about how he felt. I was selfish and I'm sorry".

The two of them ceased fighting over him. It was such a bizarre turn of events. Zayn wanted to awake and embrace them both but he was stuck.

He was motionless, silent and worst of all he couldn't feel. 

It was a fate worse than hell. He felt as though he was dehydrated and someone was flashing a bottle of water to mock him.

Zayn had sunk to a new low.

The doctor came in the room and explained to the two boys that Zayn was in a coma. 

It made sense. Zayn was aware of his surroundings but he couldn't respond.

Even the doctor was unsure of the length of this coma.


Despire the tragic turn of events, both boys continued to visit Zayn daily. They never lost home and Zayn truly appreciated the fact that they cared so much.

Soon the days became weeks and then months.

The doctors were in the process of pulling him from the plug.

Zayn wanted to have one last moment with both Liam and Niall.

As the doctor pulled the plug, he awoke.

Both boys were beyond disbelief. What happened next was something neither of them saw coming,

Zayn's final words were "I love you both".

OMG what did I just do. I've never done a sad ending before and this idea came from this song which I recommended to many of you a while back. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

x Ziamking

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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