chapter one

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**soon to be revised : critics, if you could quote for us what is bothering you, we'd be eternally grateful**


I wish I brought Styx.

Rain is pouring down in the dark, clouds obscuring any light the stars might provide. Mud and wet grass fly up, staining my black combat boots and faded jeans. I groan and sway. I’m so hungry…

Black spots creep up in my vision until I black out entirely and fall to the ground. I shake it off and push myself up into a wobbly stance. I haven’t eaten in at least a week. I march forward. The entrance to Hangman’s Point is in a cave, and the cave is only a few feet away.

I close my eyes briefly and wince. One step at a time. You can do this, Olivia. You’ve faced the Anbri invasion, necromancer raids, crazy vanguard students. You survived your childhood. You’re an amazing, badass vanguard. You can handle a walk.

My stomach grumbles, and I cry out. But I’m. So. Hungry. The giant door to Hangman’s Point is in sight, and I run to it, thankfully shielded from the rain. The door is ebony, with pictures of the eraser class heads— past and present— carved onto it. As a force of habit, my eyes move to the carving of Constance, and I smile, then walk through the smaller door inside of the larger one. I’m greeted by a marble ballroom as soon as I come in.

Erasers always choose fancy and impressive over practical, and they remain one of the most prestigious classes of Evercrest Academy. They let it get to their heads. Constance is obsessed with bizarre gowns and hairstyles, so she always stands out. She’s a hot mess, but she’s my best— and, well, only— friend.

I touch the necklace she gave me: a simple silver chain with a musimite crystal. She charmed the musimite to be clear when I’m healthy and to darken when I’m hungry or physically weak; it’s her way of keeping an eye on me. It’s dark right now.

I make my way to the staircase and fall to my knees in anguish. I shut my eyes. Fifteen thousand steps, twenty-nine twenty-foot-tall floors and an arena as tall as its own tower. Constance’s penthouse is all the way at the top. I start crying, ragged sobs wracking my body.

Fuck me. I am in hell.

I crawl, still sobbing, dragging myself up the stairs in spite of the black spots dancing in my vision. I don’t take any breaks. I’m Olivia Winnlock. I’m invincible. I’m the vanguard class head. Vanguards can do anything. I can do anything.

Fuck my life.

Styx offered to fly me to Constance’s room, so I could go through the dragon door. He saw how hungry and weak I was, but I was stubborn, so I refused. I figured I would be just fine, so I chose to face fifteen thousand steps and the walk across campus.

I’m an idiot.

No, I’m Olivia Winnlock. Olivia Winnlock is not an idiot; I just made the wrong decision once. Never again. Sometimes I choose to take the stairs for a workout, but from now on, especially if I’m dizzy and weak from hunger, I’m riding Styx.

The top! I’m at the top! Finally!

I collapse onto the ground in front of the giant ebony door and try to catch my breath. I wheeze. I groan. I sniff. I cry. I die inside.

Constance opens the door, since she knew I was coming. She walks over and kneels down to help me up. I stagger to my feet and nod a thank you to her, still making an effort to breathe.

“Olivia, what the hell are you doing?” she yells. “These stairs have killed people. You could have just yelled, and I could have teleported you up when you walked in. Get in here.” She drags me into the room, through the fancy hallway, and to the table. I fall into one of the chairs.

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