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hello, readers!

a lot of critics told us since the beginning that fantasy novels can't be written in first-person. while we still do not believe that to be true, we have come to terms with the fact that shadelings can't be written in first-person. perhaps if it was just michelle's story, it could work -- or even if it was just pony's story from a single pov, but it's not. after an entire month-and-a-half? of silence and deliberation, we decided that we need to write shadelings from third-person limited. there will still be pov changes, the same characters, just in third- rather than first-person!

to those of you who love to be inside our characters' heads, we do have something a little extra to share with you guys when we finally complete shadelings, and there will be plenty of things with our characters' thoughts and first-person stuff and all that good stuff. c:

we will be keeping this book up, for now. the third-person story will be in a completely separate book, and when we catch up to where we are here, this book will disappear. but, don't worry, our surprise at the end of the shadelings road will preserve all the chapters we have here, and actually have the revised versions!

we would like to extend an apology to all of our devoted readers about this, but we hope you guys will still have the same love for a third-person shadelings!


pony and michelle

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