Letting go.

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"Yes." I answered honestly. I wrote her the note years ago as a promise to my dearest friend and a small way of apologizing to the unknown child for taking away her father.

I couldn't keep her here regardless of the crimes she committed against me. For the first time in a long time it didn't matter that I was Queen. If she was going to stay I want it to be voluntary. It is my job as her Mate to protect her from everyone including myself.

I know it will cause me pain but it can't be about me right now.

"Why bring me here to release me?" Her head is tilted to the side and I can't help but admire her beauty.

"I have a duty as Queen to punish you for putting you hands on me in front of other vampires, they witnessed it. If I didn't take you I would be sending a message that it was okay to disobey me." It's the truth. I cannot be perceived as weak while others are constantly seeking to over throw me.

"How can you just let me leave? Won't they question what my punishment was?"

"No one will question it so long as they believe I punished you. Without a doubt my area knows you are my Mate now. It's only a matter of time before the entire kingdom knows." Our world understands that a Mate bond is nearly impossible to break. They will not question how I punished her simply because she is mine taking her here proves I wasn't going to let her actions go unnoticed.

"What do you mean I'm your Mate? How can that be possible? I didn't agree to it." She asked. Wow, she really is clueless about our kind.

"You cannot choose who your blood is attracted to, it's something deeper than our logic. Our blood chooses, yours chose me the day our eyes met in your office, just as mine chose you. Aside from our obvious history you and I will remain connected in some way."

I see her taking the information in. She looks amazing sitting there collecting her thoughts. I want to kiss her again and again. The realization that I cannot smashes into my mind.

"I can feel it, when your around me. Your scent, your touch, your very presence intoxicates me. I can't make it stop." She looks puzzled. She's staring down at the picture I gave her of Marcus. Her words make me want to pull her into a hug. I want her to stay. I want her to know she's safe with me. I can protect her.

"It doesn't have to stop Lydia. Every single thing we do or, do not do is in your hands. I understand the turmoil you must be feeling. As I said before you are free to leave, I won't stop you or chase you but it doesn't mean I do not want you to stay" I'm begging her and for a few moments I'm glad it's just us in the room.

Even if she decides to stay I would have to explain the relationship to the council. It's not against a law but it is frowned upon. The only upside is she cannot bare a child from me.

The perks of being a lesbian.

"I can't." She sighed.

"I understand."

'Jenna come and escort Lydia back to the airport, book her flight back to New York and make sure you inform the guards not to harm her, now or in the future.' I used my mind link to Jenna to speak to her without Lydia hearing. I only have a few minutes left with her before she's gone. "I've arranged for your transportation home Lydia."

"Just now? You didn't move? This is all too much for me. I barely understand myself other than my blood being like a drug for you guys. Now I have a Mate and I feel like we are breaking up and I don't know a thing about you except for the fact that you executed my father." She continued rambling. "How can you talk to people without them being here?"

I laughed a bit trying to hide my pain before I answered.

"It's a bond our minds share when we are close with someone. You think about them and direct your mind towards them and speak. If you concentrate hard enough it will reach them." I answered honestly. It was like dealing with a new born.

Our eyes locked again and I stood up to step towards her. I want another kiss before she left me for good. It seemed like she could sense our time was running short as well. Before I can comprehend what happened she stood up.

I felt her hand on my cheek gently caressing where she slapped me silently apologizing. She ran her thumb along my jaw before leaning in and kissing me.

I had always been the one to initiate these moments. Being on the opposite side of the interaction was driving me wild. I felt myself melt into her. She made me weak in the best way possible.

I was hers.

A knock on the door interrupted our moment. Jenna came through the doorway as we parted.

"The car is ready for us." Her eyes were darting from Lydia to myself and I can see confusion in her expression.

For a few moments I hoped she would change her mind and stay. She was correct before. It feels like we were ending a lifelong love, like my heart was breaking in two. I had just met her and I had to let her go.

She turned towards Jenna and they walked to the door.

I felt my world imploding around me like my bodies very foundation was collapsing underneath me. Right before the door closed I turned away not wanting to witness the end of her departure.

The words left my mouth before I could stop them. The irony of the statement made my stomach turn over. My last words to her were the very ones I gave to her father the night I took his life.

"May we meet again."

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