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The sun was setting, there were birds flying and the smell of the ocean lingered in from the east. Ever since Kaitlyn took me to the beach that night I associate that lovely aroma with her. It gave me a sense of comfort.

Falling in love with her was involuntary and unexpected. It's like an hourglass. If I look away too long time runs out and life passes me by but, when I'm with her it's like the grains of sand flow slowly and smoothly from top to bottom allowing me to experience everything and anything I never thought was possible. Including passing this trial.

"You're ready Lydia." Jeffery spoke as I helped him pick up the gear from the training field. We moved here to train for the last two days so I could focus more. The trial begins tomorrow at nightfall.

"Thank you Jeffery, for everything."

"You're already one of us in my eyes Lydia. Tomorrow kick some ass and remember to stay calm." He added.

I tried reaching Kaitlyn through text on the ride home but there was no answer. Earlier she mentioned to me she was swamped with work so I figured she was busy with her Queenly duties.

Jenna met us at the door when we returned to the property. Sam and Kelly were working with Kaitlyn and her scouts to pass time by before the trial. Just them being here for me has helped in so many ways.

I never thought I could have had everything. My friends are amazing and crazy and as loyal as could be. I couldn't be more captured by Kaitlyn's heart. She's warm, kind, and loving. Our love is like gravity, not only did it pull us closer to one another but it kept us grounded. Here, with these vampires I had found a family.

"Hey Jenna, where's Kaitlyn?" I asked as we made our way into the foyer.

"She's out." She stated the obvious. It was clear she wasn't here I couldn't sense her presence.

While walking up to our bed room I called Kaitlyn. Her phone rang repeatedly but there was no answer. It was unlike her to not talk to me for a long period of time.

'Where are you?' I focused to reacher her via our mind link. There was no response. My heart started to race. Was she okay? What if she was hurt? I didn't want to wait around any longer. I searched the house for Jenna because she had been with her most of the day. When I reached her she instantly recognized the panicked look in my eyes. I could tell she was hiding something from me.

"She's with the elders Lydia." Her tone was flat as she admitted to knowing where Kaitlyn was. Why had she gone to see them?

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned.

"We thought she would be back by now. She went to convince them to accept you without the trial. We didn't want you to worry."

My mind was racing. I understood why she went but why not speak to me first? Our link was not working and she had not contacted anyone. Something was terribly wrong.

"Take me there now." My voice was stern. I could feel my eyes burning. If they had hurt her I would lose myself in my anger I was sure of it.

"Let me get the others, if something did go wrong we are going to need some help." She left me there to gather my thoughts.

'I'm coming Kaitlyn.' Still there was no response. My mind started racing through different scenarios. Had she been hurt? Do they have her held against her will?

"Let's go Lydia." Jenna shook me out of my thoughts.

Jeffery drove us to the Elders location. The ride was short and the estate was heavily guarded. The driveway was more like a small road that was littered with patrolling vampires. As we neared the end of the long driveway we spotted Kaitlyn's car. She was here or at least her car still was.

"Do we knock?" Sam asked, as I wondered the same thing. It's not like I could have busted down the door and demanded my Mate back. We needed to stay level headed while there were still so many unknowns.

"Yes, we must tread carefully." Jeffery stated.

We knocked on the door for a few seconds. At first there was no response but just as we turned to return to the car to come up with another plan we were met by over twenty armed guards. The surrounded us so we couldn't retreat.

"Take the four vampires to the hall." The leader of them instructed and my friends were apprehended quickly. "Hybrid, we have orders to silver you and escort there you as well."

"There's no need for silver!" Jeffery shouted at the guards.

"I'll go willingly, silver or no silver. Please take me to the Queen." It didn't matter how I got to her but I needed to find my Mate and quickly.

We walked though the large estate and I took notice to every detail. The Elder's taste in decor fit their title perfectly. Everything was dark and ancient in this place. It looked as if some of the furniture was taken from The Underworld movie set. All of the stereotypes that surrounded vampires were predominant here. They even blocked out the daylight with dark gloomy curtains regardless of the fact the whole sunlight thing was a myth.

"The vampires shall enter first." The main guard spoke. "Then I will escort you."

I nodded in agreement.

"Where is Kaitlyn." I quested him.

The guard didn't answer me. I watched Jenna, Sam, Kelly and Jeffery pass through large wooden doors. I wasn't able to see what was beyond them. I had expected the guard to escort me after them but he didn't move.

"Can we go I need to see Kaitlyn." The guard nodded and opened the wooden door slowly. Something didn't feel right. Why wasn't he answering me about Kaitlyn? Before I went into that room I had to find out.

"Wait." I hesitated prior to entering. I looked the vampire guard in his eyes and asked him yet again. "Where is Kaitlyn? Where is the Queen?"

He stared at me for what seemed like hours before he opened the door and shoved me violently through them. I stumbled forward a bit before finding my footing. He followed and locked the door behind us. The room was square and it was lined by seats. All of which were occupied by vampires. My eyes frantically searched the room in hopes that I could find Kaitlyn. I looked at every single face. She wasn't here.

I felt my anger start to flair. My eyes started burning and my senses were dialed in. The tension in the room was extremely high and my friends eyes were stricken with worry.

"Where. Is. Kaitlyn." I asked as my chest heaved with anger.

One of the elders stood and walked down to where I stood. Although this vampire was over a thousand years old he looked as if he was in his forties. He smiled at me while taking a few deep breaths in, clearly indulging in my Hybrid scent. When he reached me he placed his hand on my should the same way a parent did to comfort a child. His touch made me cringe. He retracted his arm as he noticed my angered expression. Then he spoke and I watched his lips mouth the most horrible words. They shot through me like bullets. I knew then I wasn't going to be able to pass the trial I had trained for. I knew then I wasn't going to leave this room alive.

"The Queen is dead."

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