5 ⌱ Myths & Legends

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Outside the restaurant, The Silver Platter, Sasha and Cooper stood at her car

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Outside the restaurant, The Silver Platter, Sasha and Cooper stood at her car. "So, I'm not supposed to say anything... but I agree. You have to know something."

This was the plan all along. Cooper was going to get the information he needed.

Perfect, he thought.

"Your friends... they never were found. From what I remember, they weren't in their wrecked vehicle. I mean, yeah, they were in the wreck, yes, but it seemed like a single-car accident. The side had some paint scratched off, and some of their blood was in the car. But, they were nowhere to be found. It's just weird, Cooper," she leaned in and grabbed his arm.

He liked the warmth from her hand. He knew he was using her... but something about that touch gave him butterflies. "Do you think my friends are out there, Sasha?"

"Cooper... I do. It's just weird. I don't have everything... I'm just the girl that answers the phones and listens to conversations in the office sometimes.

"Is it a coincidence that my friends were just... gone out of the car?"

"To have no leads... and nothing but a car and stuff...no. It's not just a coincidence."

"Then what is it?" Cooper's voice got stronger.

"I — I'm not supposed to say this..." she lowered her voice and leaned in closer. "The latest theory was that someone took them out of the car... Your friends are out there, Cooper," she said.

"Where?" he had some sternness to his voice. He didn't mean to, but he couldn't hide his frustration.

"They were just outside of Wheat, Tennessee when they disappeared."

"Wheat, Tennessee?" he asked.

"It's like four hours from here... a long drive. It's to the left of Knoxville."

"Okay. Thank you," he nodded and cleared his throat. "Something has to be done... I might just make that long drive."

"No, don't go there," she let go of his arm. "Don't be dumb, Cooper. You're not a cop or detective. Just let the cops do their job."

Do their job!? he thought. They're not doing ANYTHING. Someone has to do something. And I'm doing it. He was doing what he does best, keeping all his thoughts to himself.

"Why?" he asked. He wanted to say so much more, but he never says everything on his mind. 

"It's a legit ghost town. Nobody really lives there," she scratched her neck.

"How do you know?"

"I'm from Knoxville. It was called the ghost town. Not because there isn't anybody living there, but because college kids would go on trips to see the 'creepy' town, but they never came back."

"Is that true?" his heart rate was increasing.

"Well, I don't know. It was just rumors and legends we would tell in Knoxville. But then, this thing with your friends happened... hopefully, it is just a coincidence..." Sasha dropped her head.

Bonnie opened the door to the restaurant and darted for her car. Cooper saw her over Sasha's shoulder.

"Sasha, I'm sorry. I — I have to go," he moved past her. "I'm really sorry."

She rubbed her neck. "Oh, uh... okay," she watched him as he walked over to Bonnie. The way his arms were slightly slinging, this wasn't going to be pretty.

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***If you liked this chapter, please hit the star to vote! Also, I love to talk about the book, so comment your thoughts!

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