Chapter Thirteen

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 Her shorts were wet and so was half of the cute, thin-strapped mustard yellow tank top she wore. While the water only reached Adrian's waist, he was taller than her and it hit her higher on her body. She supposed she could've avoided getting wet all together if she allowed him to carry her to shore, as he offered, but it was too embarrassing.

Adrian didn't seem to think anything of it. He looked so serious, talking about high tide and the rocks where Richie hid his laptop as they trudged up the beach.

"What are the chances that someone else came here?" he asked.

"Small. This is one of the minor islands the big tourists boats don't go to. We've only been gone a day, so I doubt any private boats came," she said. "Even then, they'd have to really look."

"Let's keep our fingers crossed." They waded to the shore and headed towards their abandoned campground.

Victoria scanned the fire pit; nothing seemed touched from when they were there last and she released a low breath of relief. She saw Adrian beginning to climb over the large rocks to get to the hiding spot Richie told him about.

She vaguely remembered Richie wandering off while she and Adrian took apart their sleeping bags and tarp in the rush to return to her uncle's. She followed behind Adrian, keeping an eye out for a dark blue waterproof dry bag.

"He wrapped some spare clothes around it and then weighed it down with a rock," Adrian said as they climbed up. Any lower and the bag would've been tossed into the water by the waves and wind.

"At least if it fell in, it won't get very far."

"Provided the bag isn't damaged and the water stays out," Adrian said. He grabbed on to some overhanging rocks and let out a grunt as he pulled himself up. Victoria watched his legs disappear above her. "Oh, what the hell, Richie...."

"What is it?" She looked up from beneath the overhang. Adrian peered over the edge with a look of frustration.

"Your cousin was either very paranoid or just wanted to show off that he likes to free climb."

"What do you mean?"

Adrian leaned over and offered his arms. "Here, I'll show you." Victoria reached up and grabbed his arms. She placed her feet on the rocks below her and pushed herself up as he pulled.

An arm went around her waist and pulled her onto the ledge. Before she situated herself, she caught sight of a blue dry bag wedged on the cliff over head.

Her mouth opened just a bit to stare at it. "Dammit, Manong...."

"I know," Adrian said as he stood up. He stretched his arms over head and took a deep breath. "I'll get it."

"You free climb?"

"No, but I can reach it easier than you can. I won't have to go up that high."

"Okay. Be careful --"

She snapped her head down, towards the beach around the corner. She couldn't see the shore, but could make out their boat speeding away from the island. Her chest tightened as she craned her head.

"What's wrong?" Adrian asked as he grabbed on to a protruding rock and pulled himself up.

She kept her eyes on the beach reached back, to the small of her back and the knife she kept there.

"Our ride left us."

"What?" Adrian looked back towards the beach and Victoria inched towards the edge of the overhang to climb back down.

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