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»»———CHAPTER SIX———««

"SO this is our dorm", Jeongguk mumbled, quite happy since this room was only on the second floor while the one with Yugyeom had been on the fifth. This also meant he would be far away from the evil group which only added up to how much he loved his new dorm already.

"I want the right side", Taehyung immediately said, running to the bed he just called dibs on. The younger merely shrugged and threw his bags on the bed placed against the left side of the room, immediately starting to inspect the wall while Taehyung threw himself on the bed. He watched the raven head unpack some stuff and getting rolls of posters out of his bags before beginning to tape them on the wall.

"You sure you aren't just a little bit gay?", the blonde asked, eyebrows furrowed together as he examined the large poster. His feet hit the mattress with soft thuds as his head was balanced on his hands, stomach pressed against the bed.

"No why?", Jeongguk asked before grabbing another poster and taping it next to the other one.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and flipped onto his back, head tilted backwards as he watched the room upside down, "Because no roommate I ever had taped a gigantic poster of G-Dragon on his wall".

Jeongguk examined the two posters and smiled before turning around, "Well didn't you say all the guys you roomed with were gay?"

"Are you implying being fan of G-Dragon means you're not gay?", Taehyung asked, kicking his feet in the air, "Doesn't sound too legit. I am a fan of his and we both know I am hella gay".

The younger rolled his eyes and turned back to his bags, "Shut up and let me unpack. You're distracting me".

"Am I distracting you already? Hmm seems like you're not going to last long with me", the blonde winked before rolling away from the water bottle thrown to his head.

"Idiot", Jeongguk muttered, hearing the said idiot cackle like crazy behind him.


In the middle of unpacking Jeongguk realized the blonde had been very quiet ever since he had told him to shut up. He glanced behind him only to see his sleeping roommate drooling all over the fresh bedsheets. Jeongguk's nose wrinkled at the sight and he quickly turned back to his almost empty bags, happy to see he was almost done.

He heard his stomach rumble shortly after he had finished unpacking and sat down on his bed, glancing at the still sleeping Taehyung. He checked his phone and realized it was 6 pm already, meaning he should get dinner soon. The phone in his hands dinged when he was looking up nearby diners and smiled when he saw his mother's message she had sent in their family group chat.

Mom: You promised to send me something as soon as you arrived!! I still haven't heard a thing!!

Dad: Honey, I'm sure he's just busy unpacking and living the student life.

Mom: I hope you made lots of new friends!! But don't think I'm not mad at you for not texting me

He grinned at the messages and quickly typed back a reply, telling them about the dorm swap and Taehyung, his new roommate. His parents knew about the whole Yugyeom thing, simply because he was very close to his parents and never held back on saying anything. They immediately realized something was wrong when he stopped hanging out with Yugyeom or started coming back from school with only annoyed stories about his friend group spouting from his mouth.

After sending his message he glanced back at the drool machine 2000 aka Kim Taehyung. The raven head picked up his pillow and threw it the blonde's way, effectively hitting the dude in the chest – of course not in the face or it'd be covered in drool.


"Get up you- you lazy bum", Jeongguk said, standing up from the bed, "You've been drooling all over your new bed".

Taehyung's eyes widened and he quickly felt around his mouth, face crinkling into disgust when he felt the wet substance, "Not again...", he whined before scurrying to the little bathroom attached to their room.

As Jeongguk slid on his shoes and grabbed his jacket, he heard the bathroom door opening again and Taehyung padding back into the room.

"Going somewhere?", he asked, watching the younger throw on his jacket. The raven haired male turned back to the older and sighed, "I'm going to search for food somewhere. I'm starving".

"Ooh ooh!", Taehyung piped up, bouncing on his mattress in excitement, "I could show you around. I know this crazy good taco restaurant-".

"I heard taco", Jeongguk replied with wide eyes before pointing to the older, "Let's go".

jeongguk is supposed to be a shy boy but he isn't around taehyung

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