VOL.2 Chapter 8: Meeting an old friend.

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Dinner had passed with Akane and Kanrish eating upstairs.

Pharana sat prying into how Aelanna knew the elder and Misuki kept the kids calm as they worried about Kanrish.

Only Lyya sat eyeing the stairwell that lead to the landing where they had their rooms.

She felt a nervous twitch in her stomach, leaving her the only one without an appetite and thus not eating.

"I'm worried Misuki, will he really take his rest like I told him he should. Once we're on the road again that is? For now, I'll manage to keep him at ease until he can at least come downstairs with us again." Lyya spoke up and the Demi-Goddess next to her nodded.

With a smile she replied, "He took our ban on that {Pure Destruction} serious in that he only uses it in dire emergencies now... so I think we can get through to him."

Her words calmed Lyya, but she could not get herself to eat with her anxiety for how Kanrish was going to take their call for him to take it easier.

"Pharana, how do you plan on going to your meeting with the elder? Since I already told Aelanna to go along since she knows her. But will that be sufficient for you... since our proud weretigress is quite... out of it now..." Lyya asked as an attempt to get her mind off of Kanrish.

"I-I'm not sure actually. I don't know how she will take my predicament with guards... c-c-could you come along as well maybe, Lyya?" Pharana still showed her nerves as well, since she was absolutely certain it would be labeled a disgrace that she lost her guards to the Naga.

"I don't mind coming along. I can do so as a representative of our group... instead of..." Lyya's reply was met with an angry, yet drunken glare from Aelanna as interruption.

"Not going to let Kanrish join that meeting, he needs his rest." Lyya retorted to the blaming look from the amber colored elven eyes above the rosy cheeks of a drunken Aelanna.

"Misuki, think we can haul her upstairs yet, this won't get her sober I think." Lyya spoke and Misuki nodded, her white hair falling in front of her face as she rose quickly.

"You're getting an early night lady." Her voice carried down the stairs as Misuki carried Aelanna over her shoulder to the room she shared with the kids.

The next morning, Lyya woke from a door slamming shut as someone tripped near their room.

"Aela... can I come in a moment?" The princess' voice carried from across the hallway and through their door.

After a few moments, a door opened and closed again before incoherent talking erupted and mere moments later the same door opened and closed again.

A second door shortly after.

Ignoring the soft talking from the room next to them, Lyya turned onto her side again and pulled closer to Kanrish as he lay between them.

Two other women shared the bed with them but Lyya did not mind.

The scent of Kanrish's body calmed her now she had him back to consciousness. Contrary to the worry it sparked while he was out cold.

Soft, suggestive moaning vaguely rolled through the wall and Lyya slipped from Kanrish's embrace and out of bed.

Her night gown of silk covered most of her skin, as Lyya carefully opened the door to see if the hallway was empty before slipping out to close the gap with the room next to them.

Knocking on the door, Aelanna's voice answered her to come in.

Odd but I guess it's alright then. The thought quickly crossed Lyya's mind as she opened the door.

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