Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 7

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*Jessie's POV*

My emotions were attacking me, all swirling around and demanding my attention. SHUT UP! I finally just shouted at my thoughts. Nothing happened. Of course nothing happened, I was yelling at myself. What was that going to accomplish, except of course, more thoughts.

I still had little butterflies in my stomach from Tristan yesterday in detention. He'd been so different with me, so nice and sweet and funny. That was one of my emotions, and with annoyance I realized my little tiny crush had grown a bit.

The second emotion was anger at Vanessa. She was pretty much pushing me out of the closet with all her obviousness. How would she like it if I told Evan everything she'd ever said about him? Devon to for that matter. She would be angry, but hey, I'm angry.

The third was anger at her brother. Tristan could be such a jerk.. Or he could be someone I really got along with. He seemed unable to decide which one he really was, and I felt about ready to stab him. With a pencil. In the throat.

The fourth was jealousy. I didn't get why I was so jealous of Marco, but I knew I was. I hated him for pretty much no reason at all. Only jealousy. It was really annoying, because what did I have to be jealous of? Tristan's attention? Why on earth did I want that?!

Which lead me to emotion number five. Confusion. Why did I care so much all of a sudden? Did I like Tristan? Like really, really, really like him? I hoped not. But just thinking about him set off my heart like I'd run a few mile's.

Dammit! Being a teenager sucked. Really and truly it did. Your hormone's took you on way, your emotions another, and your thoughts a complete different direction you hadn't even realized was there. I needed to forget Tristan. The closet was safe and cozy.

Heading downstairs I knocked on Kelsey and Kelso's bedroom, knowing mom wasn't here to do it for them. "Up and at'em!" I ordered loudly. There was groans from the other side of the door. Ryan was already at school, mom took him to the care center an hour early on her way to work.

"Kelsey! Kelso! Your going to be late!" I warned, and with that, headed down stairs. Mom had left us three a note on the counter, printed in her familiar writing. The short stubby letters stated:

Kelso & Kelsey

If your late, your grounded, simple as that.


Get Kelsey and Kelso up. Have a good day at school.

Remember you and your dad are hanging out tonight.

Love you all, have a good day!

I rolled my eye's. She reminded me unnecessarily every Friday. Fridays were me and my dad's day to hang out. Wednesday was Ryan's night, Kelso went on Saturdays, Kelsey Sundays. It had been that way since the split up, and it was practically programmed into my brain.

I went to the fridge and rummaged around. Finding the lunch mom had prepared for me last night, I shovelled it into my bag, did up the zipper and was on my way to school. School.. So boring. Really, it was an endless cycle of the same thing.

Life was really an endless cycle of the same thing. Go to pre-school. Public school. high school. Collage. Get a job. Get married. Have children. Send them to pre-school. Then public school. Then high school. Then collage. You get the point, right?

Anyways my rant finished taking me the way to Vanessa's house. I waited at the edge of her drive way. Again, it took a couple minute's and I was getting restless by the time Tristan came out. Alone. No Vanessa. I raised my eyebrows at him.

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