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Ever since I met him in my dreams, I couldn't forget him. The weirdest thing is that I vaguely remember him from somewhere..

I am 25 years old and I have never ever been so satisfied in my whole life. Thinking about that dream/nightmare made me wet again.

Wtf! I only met him in my dreams and I am already drooling about him.

This feeling made me scream in my pillow.

It is 11 PM as I am trying to remember who that boy is.

"I will make you mine. Im going to fuck you in places that you didn't know that existed."

That is what he told me. Am I supposed to be scared or something?

"What does he want from me!" I scream of frustration. How can someone like him makes me this nervous.

With this circumstances I don't even want to sleep. But on the other side, it was just a dream. This happened just once. I will never see him again.

The thought of that made me unsatisfied.

My body wants him.

I shake hard with my head. "Get yourself together girl."

But it happened again.

I dozed off in dreamland. This mistake made me slap myself in my face. "Stupid Yubin!" I scowl myself as I tried to wake myself up.

Clearly when I was turning freakyminded, I heard someone whistle.

I looked confused around me to see that the landscape changed.

I am now at a party with many drunken people around me.

Everyone is dancing with eachother. I see two people grinding eachother which made me very uncomfortable. Some people were fucking eachother in public. I groaned when I saw that. I am getting horny.

Noo. Not now.

"What the hell happened!?" But before I could freak out again, someone grabbed me by my waist.

I notice now that I am wearing different clothes. Only a crop top with a mini skirt.

Fine. Now I am dressed like a whore.

I was facing a visually pleasing boy with black hair and grey eyes.

"You seem lost in here? Come. I will take you home." The boy said and I followed him as I whimpered from his touch.

Touch me.

The boy is leading me through the crowd of drunken/high people.

We finally came through the crowd and we are now outside the party.

Why am I even here?

Why did I followed him?

"Is there something wrong?" The boy asked me. He seems really worried about me.

I nodded my head.

What is going on with me lately!

The boy walked over to me for a hug which caught me of guard. There is something about h-

"YOU!" I scream when I realize it.

The boy slowly starts to laugh. "I thought you would never notice it." He says as the boy is transforming to somebody that I know well.

The boy of my dreams.

He pushes me on the ground while undressing me. "I told you that I will fuck you."

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