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Some peop le were concerned about our terminology being in the front of the book so we moved it to the back. You can find a complete terminology as the very last chapter. No, you don't have to read it first. There was some confusion on that when it was in the front. Not sure why. Nevertheless, it's at the back now in case you forget a term or want to look something up. The small glossary of class names and the world map is still at the front, which you also do not have to read. Keep in mind that in the real world, if this were published, everything but the map would go at the back. We have the stuff in the front so you know it's there since this is the internet, not a paper book.

Also, please be warned that this book is meant for a mature audience. We never meant for it to be a children's book. While there are no graphic sex scenes, there are scenes and language that can make younger or religious readers uncomfortable. Please be aware of this. We aren't J.R.R. Tolkien or Christopher Paolini. We're two awkward teenage country bumpkins who like to spin yarns. Not all tales are told without profanity.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the world of Alksheist! Stay groovy!

p.s. thank you so much to all the critics who take time out of their lives to critique this work for us! also, thank you to all our readers and everyone who even checks this out! we really appreciate it <3

also, we'd like to extend a special thanks to @mysunshine621, our long-term critic!

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