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P R O L O G U E:

Dana sat at the edge of the stool, clutching her script in her hands and squeezing her eyes as tightly as she could against the glare from the overhead lights. Darcy Young, her consultant, manager, and friend extraordinaire stood five paces in front of her, muttering angrily under her breath as she looked over the schedule.

"This is absolutely insane!"

Dana quickly snapped open her eyes and crossed her arms over the already crinkled paper.

"That's what I've been saying. There's no possible way this stupid tour can fit everything in the one month the label gave us."

Darcy turned around and shot Dana a sharp, piercing look.

"I was well aware of the time constraints. And I knew it would be challenging, but I honestly thought you would be up for it."

Dana let out a soft growl and shook her head. "Don't even try me like that."

The corners of Darcy's lips tilted up and she gave Dana's shoulder a reassuring pat.

"Don't stress about it. The schedule can be fixed. I'm sure we don't have to hit all those points in one week, and anyway, I've already reserved a performance for you in the city. So we couldn't have gone further down even if we wanted to."

Dana rolled her eyes and forced a pleasant expression onto her face.

"Oh, that's just perfect."

Darcy frowned, and as she did so the lines around her mouth deepened. "What's up?"

Dana sighed and leaned back on her stool, resting her head against the green screen behind her.

"It's just...I sort of wanted to take a break from it. It really is getting hectic you know. Maybe a week off, go to the Hamptons...Disney...Somewhere quiet. Somewhere I can rest and not have to worry about appeasing a thousand different people...."

Dana glanced up and continued in a voice dredged with self-pity. 

"Kids my age don't have to stress about that stuff, you know? They're all a bit too busy hanging out at skate-parks and pizza places, fucking things up without getting criticized...They all get to grow up without double standards and high expectations. They get to live."

Darcy pursed her lips and raised one, thin eyebrow. She knew Dana had felt this way...And for a while, she had always felt bad she had to lead such a lifestyle. Fame and fortune really messed a normal human being up. 

She only wished she could give Dana a little something to make her feel more like the eccentric 17-year-old she was.

Dana laid her head back on the wall and blew a thick strand of hair off her forehead. Meanwhile, Darcy lowered her hooded eyes to the floor and thought about a slim, almost non-existent possibility she couldn't even dare hope to snatch for her little superstar...

Think about how crazy the media would get, and how complicated things would be if anyone found out...

She chewed on her bottom lip and drummed her fingers against the schedule now held tightly in her fist.

"You know what Dana? I completely agree with you."

Dana straightened up and her jaw went slack. "Wait...You do? Because I was totally getting ready for a lecture about how I take things for granted and I should be happy that-"

"No," Darcy held up a finger.

"No, you are completely in your rights to feel that way, and I for one think there's something we should do about it."

Darcy's face broke into a broad grin as she surveyed Dana's totally nonplussed expression.

"I'll get right back to you on that!"

Darcy spun on her heel and left the production room, leaving Dana alone beside the green screen, consumed yet again by that jarring sense of self-pity.

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