Chapter 4

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Dana Prince stood in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at the stranger looking back at her from under the heavily-done eyebrows and curly hair.

She can't possibly be me, Dana thought. Not the girl with blue eyes, black hair and short waves. Not the one with pale skin and plain nails.

Although she moves when I move and speaks when I speak.

Dana raised a hand as if testing it and stared fixedly at her fingers. They were extremely thorough in altering her appearance. They changed her everything, from skin tone to eye color.

She didn't think she was ever going to get used to this new look, but after all...It was only for a couple of months.

Dana smoothed out her skirt and stepped back. She wasn't liking high school very much. Everything was different here. No one gave her more than a second look, and the other kids were making fun of her for being such a "noob."

She didn't even know what that meant.

Every single person she had encountered gave her a funny look every time she tried to introduce herself to them and join in on their conversations. During lunch, when she had found a free table and sat down next to a group of girls she thought were extremely pretty, they'd all looked at her like she had grown an extra head.

Dana had then raised her eyebrows at them, noticing their clothing which all came from her own personal line. They looked like fans.

She herself had been unable to wear her own clothes. She needed to disassociate herself with anything that would make anyone suspicious, and that included "Dana's dress dish."

After all, she wasn't Dana Prince anymore. She was Anna Black.

Anna pursed her lips at the thought and callously flipped her extra-long bangs to one side of her head, gripping onto the sink and peering more meaningfully into the mirror.

The group of girls in question then proceeded to flip her off and tell her that her seat was reserved for someone else.

When she finally found an empty seat at the farthest end and looked back, she found the place empty throughout the lunch period. Fuming, she had stalked off from the room, but then raced back in to throw out her tray.

Anna scowled as she remembered that particular episode, and then her thoughts strayed to when she met the somewhat "ring-leader" of the group at the library with Wesley.

Wesley was the only student at Lakewood who didn't pick on her. He always seemed too preoccupied to do much of anything, and Dana...Or...Anna suspected something was amiss.

She couldn't help but think that smile he put on was fake. She could always spot an actor, being as she was one herself.

Throughout the entire day, she had kept an eye out for Wesley South. She was just naturally curious about him. Every time she overheard a conversation amongst a group of girls, it was about Wesley. How he had saved the game at a football match, how he was totally going to get a scholarship, how good-looking he was.

Anna smiled. Well...He could give Presley White a run for his money...

Her train of thought was interrupted by a slam. The bathroom door burst open and Frida Palet walked in. Anna remembered her from the lunch table, and from the library.

With a well-practiced smile, Anna turned around and beamed at her while she inwardly rolled her eyes.

"Hi. Frida, right?"

Frida paused and her eyebrows knit together. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused."

Anna bit her lip and continued to smile. 

Frida glared at her, rubbing her hands together behind her back. 

"You'd better watch that mouth of yours. Life can really be hell."

Anna let out a light, airy laugh. "For me? Something tells me I don't think so."

Frida pressed her lips together and wordlessly ventured deeper into the restroom, bumping into Anna on the way in. Anna shrugged as she left. What did I do?

A voice in her head answered herself. You've provoked the mean queen. You know what happens!

Anna mentally kicked herself. She'd been binge-watching every movie on high school she could get her hands on, and she still hadn't learned.

Oh well.

Anna walked to her locker and hitched up her backpack, emptying her books. As she turned her head to the side, she caught a glimpse of dark hair and a bowed head.


Anna stopped and stared at him as he walked past. On a whim, she caught up to him, grabbing his arm to slow him down.

"Hey, do you know the way to Physics?"

That wasn't even one of her classes. She just wanted an excuse to analyze him before he ducked away from her again. 

Wesley shifted around, avoiding her gaze and nervously twisting his hands together.

"Um, room 112. I-I think. Look, I really got to g-"

He left before he could even finish the word. Anna nodded and spun around. That was all she needed to know.

As she turned, she saw Frida peering over the bathroom door, staring at her, and then Gwen waltzing down the hall from behind, eyes narrowed.

Anna switched her gaze between them, and then stared at Wesley's retreating back.

I did it again...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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