12 Bad Boy Kisses

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Dedication for Devoured_By_BUNNIES because she helped me figure out the right people to play Emilie and Jared! Thank you!

Chapter 12: 12 Bad Boy Kisses

My head was pounding and I couldn’t focus on anything anymore. Once those words came out of Louis’ mouth, I felt like vomiting. Jared didn’t have a problem with it because the smirk hasn’t dropped from his face since he chugged back his drink ‘toasting to our new relationship’. I was still standing in the middle of everyone clutching my drink so tight; I’m surprised I didn’t put a crack in it yet.

I had to get out of here.

The little space I had from all the people around was making it worse for me. I couldn’t get the thoughts of Conner hurting me out of my head and it was making it worse because he was only upstairs. I pulled on Jared’s arm and he turned to look at me.

“What?” He asked.

“I want to leave, please.” I almost begged but held myself back. I didn’t want to be weak but I knew what was going to happen when Conner found out and it terrified me.

He shook his head and slung his arm over my shoulder. “No can do babe. I don’t want to leave yet and you have to do what I say for the whole night.” He leaned closer smirking, “This way I can have a fun night as you put it.”

I did say that but I felt sick and the longer I stayed the worst I felt. Jared kept his arm around me, pinning me to his side as he drank another cup of beer. I hadn’t even paid attention to how much he has been drinking. Then it hit me; we came in his car!

I quickly ripped the cup from his hand and handed it off to someone walking by. “Why did you do that woman?” He yelled with wide eyes and his hands raised in the air. If I wasn’t still scared about Conner and wasn’t frustrated with Jared for not letting me leave, I would have laughed. But I was mixed with emotions so I did the only thing I could do.

I slapped him.

I twirled on my heels (which was kind of hard) and stalked off, fuming. I was fine with him the whole night! I considered him a friend! I knew I would’ve regretted that acceptance later and I did. Jared was a jerk. I didn’t feel good and I wanted to leave and he was my ride. Which made him drinking worse because now how was I supposed to get home?

I had to find Hailey.

Pushing through the massive crowd, I searched all the rooms looking for my crazy best friend but came up hopeless. I pulled out my phone and tried calling her but she never answered. It wasn’t a good idea either because I could barely here anything.

Instead I quickly typed a text, ‘Meet me outside on the back deck. It’s important!’ I looked around one more time and not seeing Hailey, I opened up one of the glass doors that led to the deck and slipped out.

The noise difference was so noticeable, that I rubbed my ears for a little bit until the ringing disappeared. I took a seat on one of the many benches they had outside and collapsed. I was tired and still shocked from what happened in there.

Who would have told Louis about Jared and I? Did we really seem like we were dating? Now the worst part is Jared will act on the lie. I know he will and it will just make everything worse for me. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear the door open or close until someone took a seat next to me, then did I realize I wasn’t alone anymore.

“You okay?” I rolled my head to the side to see Hailey staring at me with concern. I shook my head and looked back out into the sky.

“Conner is an ass.” I wasn’t going to elaborate any more than that, “Jared makes me feel mixed emotions because one minute I hate him and the next I’m laughing and thinking how hot he is.” I threw my hands in the air, “Then Louis announces to the whole damn school Jared and I are dating! Where the fuck did he even get that from?” I was breathing hard by the end because I was practically yelling.

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