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  • Dedicated to To The Fans

Thank you all so much for everything!<3 Enjoy(:


“Please stand for the bride.”

The church looked amazing with all the family members and friends filling the pews. The flower petals scattered around the aisle from when the cute little flower girl had thrown them made it look peaceful. I watched as everyone stood and turned to the back of the church, awaiting the arrival of the bride. A soft melody was playing in the background bringing a peaceful moment among everyone. The two large doors opened and a moment of aw was brought to everyone as the beautiful bride took her first step into the church—

“Do I really have to watch this shit?” Jared groaned throwing his head back onto the couch and closing his eyes in pain.

I snapped my head to face him automatically. “The movie just started! How can you already be bored?”

Keeping his position he answered. “Easy. It’s a boring romance movie where they fall in love and then something oh so drastic happens that they spilt apart and then years later they are going to find each other again.”

I looked back at the television screen and scrunched my forehead. That’s exactly what the movie was about. But I wasn’t going to tell him that. “So what if it is? I have to watch your scary movies all the time. The least you could do is watch a movie I want too.”

He opened his eyes to look at me and then sighed. “I better get sex after this Emilie.” Then he smirked and added. “Or at least a sandwich.”

I picked up one of the pillows off the couch and threw it at his face. “Screw yourself. Now you can get neither and still have to watch the movie.”

“I don’t think so woman!” He protested pulling the pillow away from his face where it had hit him.

“Then maybe you shouldn’t open your mouth!” I stuck my tongue out at him turning back to the movie. I felt the couch shift but ignored it until I felt Jared press his body up against mine.

“You’re right.” He whispered in my ear and then nibbled on it. “That’s your job.”

I turned around and pounced on him making him fall back onto the couch with me on top of him. “You are such a pig Jared McKingsley!” I started playfully hitting his chest while laughing as he struggled to block my fists.

“You wouldn’t want me any other way though.” He flipped me onto my back and laid half of his body onto mine, pinning part of me down. He ducked his head and kissed me quickly pulling back smiling down at me.

I rolled my eyes and reached my hand up brushing some of his hair out of his eyes that had flopped down from us wrestling. “I guess…” I teased poking his cheek and then craned my neck and kissed him on the nose.

“You guess?” He questioned quirking an eyebrow and leaning down towards my face. “You mean yes.”

I shook my head biting my lip to hold back a smile. “Nope!” I popped the ‘p’ and then started squealing when Jared tickled my sides. “No! Stop!”

“Take it back then!” He chuckled sitting up on his knees and kept tickling.

I was losing my breath and I’m pretty sure my face was red. “Fine!” I cried fighting his hands off of me. “I don’t want you any other way!”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” He said placing his hands on either side of my face and leaning down to kiss me. I rolled my eyes before closing them and kissing him back. He lowered his body onto mine and used his elbows to support his weight, so he wasn’t crushing me.

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