Chapter 1: In Her Head

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The dawn is the same as the one before, the dark sky turns into a soft blue hue, the cold moon leaves and the warm sun arises in all its glory as its rays feed the ground beneath it, the dark clouds turn pure white as if the angels themselves washed away its darkness, the little birds sing their joyful song; but for our dear poor Elisabeta each dawning day is different. The sky is a darker shade of blue, the sun is radiant no more, it's only burning the ground beneath it; the soft clouds have turned into dark thunderclouds that hold in the horrible cold rain waiting for the precise moment to scream its fury; the little birds sing no more their joyful song, if not the crows have taken their place and now sing their sorrowful melody of life and death.

But, why is this happening to our Elisabeta?, is it because of the great sorrow that's eating her, or the death that follows her.


"Good morning Miss.Rivera." said the blonde doctor with a British accent, while looking at the medical forms in his hands "How are you in this beautiful day?"

"Ordinary as always." said the 15 year old girl with little interest as she looked out the window while scratching the palm of her hand.

"Well, your parents have notified me that they are about to arrive here, at the hospital." said the man while he checked his mobile flip phone to see the hour "Look at what time it is, it's already 8:00am; it's time to get your chemotherapy."

"Okay," she then looked at the man with her tired eyes, "do we go now or do we wait for my parents?"

"It's better if we wait for your parents, so they can accompany you in the process, a girl your age shouldn't be alone during the procedure." the doctor smiles out of habit "If you need anything, you're free to use the nurse's button." Elisabeta nodded and the man waited for a worded response.

"Okay." said the defeated girl with a small smile and the doctor then left the room. She always hated chemotherapy, especially after visiting her grandfather, 7 years ago, before he died of cancer; the war hero reduced to a pale shriveled man.
She always hated the idea of some radioactive wave entering her body instantly killing dead and living, good and bad cells inside her... just like she despises her weak shriveled form. But sadly, bad luck was on her side, and the carcinogenic curse that ran in her family fell upon her, her fate was to suffer from a brain tumor.
The symptoms presented themselves when our maiden started to see some strange things.

"What's wrong with you, girl?" says the black cat with the eyes of gold, who's calmly sitting on the table in front of Elisabeta's bed, moving its tail from one side to the other. "Are you more depressed than usual, or what?"

"Shut up, fur ball." commanded the girl, only making the feline smile internally, as she tried to sit straight on her hospital bed until she was comfortable "Why are you here, Demonio?"

"What do you think?" said the cat as he jumped onto the girls bed, and then sat by her feet and started to scratch his head. "I'm here to accompany you until the night comes."

"Oh well." she began to scratch the palm of her hand once more "Hey, where's Isael?"

"Isael?" asked the cat as he moved his head to the side in a sluggish manner, trying his best to act as cute as possible. "Oh, now I remember. Your prince charming, your knight in shining armor! Don't worry beautiful, that idiot is about to get here."

"Who are you calling an idiot?" asked Isael, a teenager with the clear blue eyes and dark blonde hair, who calmly stood beside the close door with his arms folded.

"To you, filthy pigeon." screamed the demon to the literal angel that stood beside the door.

"Calm yourself demon, our discussions are not doing any good for Elisabeta's health, so I ask you to be quiet."

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