Chapter 3: The Faces of Pain

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While Isael and Amanda talked about the possible plan to save Elisabeta while angel eat the reaper's work; our dear Demonio walked around the hospital more bored than usual, since he didn't have a human who's trust he must gain and an angel to irritate. So, the cat walked throughout the whole hospital; through every entrance and exit, through every hallway and corner, and through every room watching the suffering and faked happiness of every doctor, nurse and sick patient through his golden eyes. That is until he found something that peaked his chaotic interest in a very peculiar room.

The room with the white walls, the wooden coffee table with the magazines about how to be a good parent, the soft padded chairs with the lost souls that will become killers, or better yet, disposers, for good or evil in the end of the day, and the wooden door with posters about the ills of pregnancy. This very peculiar room was the waiting room for the abortions. Each and every person is here by their own will or by the will of others with more power. Since, what our demon is watching is the sad reality of the world we leave in.

The cat jumped to the coffee table with the grace of a hunter, to be witness of each and every case before him. There were three cases for him to witness, each one more interesting and peculiar for Demonio. From left to right, the first peculiarity was of a young call girl that had gone through the abortion process many times before. The second peculiarity looked familiar to our cat, for she was the young 14-year-old girl that appeared in the news for being a rape victim of her own eldest cousin; the girl was accompanied by her mother, who was filling up the forms to abort and destroy the hated creature that her daughter was cursed with.

The third peculiar case was of two sisters. This case was interesting for our cat since they were the only ones that were discussing about the idea that was in everyone's mind, the abortion of a "living" being.

"Don't do this Esther." said a young black-haired young woman with an North American accent, the sisters were Americans from New York that came to the Island to take some vacations with the family. But Esther, the youngest of the sisters and the black sheep of the family, got pregnant in one her weekend parties a few weeks before the family vacation and well this is what happened "God is the only person that can give and take life."

"Emily, don't bring your God into things that are not of importance to him." said Esther, a beautiful young blond of 22 years, while she started filling all of the necessary paperwork to get the fetus out of her quickly as possible... "Who would have thought a one night stand with the man that saved me would cause me so much pain?"

"Esther please, that baby is of your own flesh and blood; don't create a miscarriage. Father and mother will not hate you because you are pregnant, they would be happy since they will become grandparents. Please don't do this." the young woman pleaded.

"Y-you truly have a bit of humor inside of that serious exterior." said the now laughing Esther, trying her best to act unaffected by her sisters words "I don't want to scrub it off because of fear that our parents will hate me because I'm pregnant; I will do it because I don't wish to have a disgusting and horrendous creature growing inside me that will damage my figure." she lied, she's always been good at lying about how she feels, about what she can do.

"You're going to abort your own child because of your stupid beauty." said the now furious Emily.

"Beauty is not something stupid Emily; you should now this by experience." the black sheep said remembering all of the suitors she has robbed from her dear big sister, the family's saint. "They were cruel to her, so I made them leave."

"If it has to come to this, I will do it." the young woman said to herself but then looked at her sister with determination "When your baby is born I want to adopt it."

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