Chapter Thirteen

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"Baby, baby, come in, something is wrong with Tyler!"

Heavy footsteps followed her concerned voice, accompanying my father who came in moments, stopping in his tracks as his looked around my room in awe.

"Son... what..."

Meeting my eyes, extreme worry came over him as he came and sat in front of me, gently holding onto my shoulders.

"Baby boy," he whispered.


Sitting in the dimly lit living room in what felt like endless silence, I hadn't said anything for a while as I frowned down at the floor.

I heard my parents shift in their seats in front of me and slightly lifted my eyes a bit further to see the feet.

I shouldn't have let this come to this point.

I'm disgusting.


Glimpsing up to see my mom frowning at me, I mentally braced myself to answer whatever question she would ask, knowing that I couldn't hide anything from her anymore.

"Please... you're not in trouble or anything. We just want to know why you... what's been bothering you lately? Please talk to us."

I have to say it.

I have to say it.

"Whatever it is son," my dad began. "We won't–"

"I'm gay."

Immediately met with silence, I tightly closed my eyes as I took in a deep breath, anticipating what they would say as my heart began to beat rapidly against my chest.

Minutes passed by with none of us saying anything.

Opening my eyes, I saw that they were only staring at me, their expressions so unreadable.

I never thought those words would ever pass my lips.

And I never thought I'd feel so right saying them... and feel so much more better hearing myself say them out loud.

I'm... gay.

And I like Greyson... I... like Greyson.

My parents shared a comical look before they nodded, seeming to be anything but upset as they both grinned.

"Son... we don't care that you're gay. Your mother and I don't care... at all," my dad said suddenly, a bit amused that those words were passing his lips.

"Yea, we love you regardless. I mean, I always thought we never had to worry about this sort of thing... but I guess we never thought about the possibility. I always pictured you getting married and having kids with a beautiful woman... but hey, things happen," my mom whispered, eyeing the floor.

"Yea, we don't hate ya or anything son... if anything, I'm just upset that I have to buy some new furniture for your room and replace your door," my dad said with a hysterical seriousness.

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