Chapter 11: The One Who Brings You Life

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Fairy Tail: You're Natsu of Fairy Tail (A NaLu Fan Fiction) by Cryptic_Eyes, All Rights Reserved, © 2018




Natsu was in a world of darkness.

His eyes faced towards the sky, the color in his eyes gone and only a white color in their depths. His arms were slack at his side, and he was sitting on his legs, his shoulders slumped. Someone called to him deep within his mind, and he stirred, his thoughts in the middle of another nightmare.

He was back during the time when Ilene had taken over his mind, only he was very much more aware of it now. Lucy was below him, and he was choking her again, watching in horror.

He was helpless.

"Stop!" Natsu roared, but it did nothing.

Terror was in Lucy's eyes, and she was looking at him like a stranger. Panic began to fill him as her eyes began to close, her breathless lungs aching for air.


Natsu just wanted it to stop.

Just before Lucy collapsed, she disappeared from his grasp, the ground underneath him opening into a wide dark pit. He lost his footing, and he fell head first into the pit, falling and falling into nothingness.

He'd do anything to make it stop.


Lucy's voice was hindered by ragged breathing, and she was standing feet away from Phantasm as her Leo Star Dress disappeared. She'd used almost all of her Star Dresses to try and break Phantasm, but it really was no use; Ilene had been right. Gray, Wendy, and Gajeel all had even tried, but Ilene had summoned the last of her puppets that could dematerialize, keeping them busy after only one attempt.

The celestial mage had tears on the corner of her eyes, and she was just about to try again when an all too familiar agony shot through her chest. She let a gurgled yell escape past her lips as she dropped to her knees, coughs racking her body violently. Blood splattered across the dirt and dripped down her chin, the pain so horrible Lucy slammed her fists against the ground to try and focus her pain somewhere else.

"Lucy, stop!" Happy pleaded, his paws on her shoulders. "You've used up too much of your magic! Your health is worse!"

"I don't care!" she yelled angrily before another fit of coughing hit her so hard her vision swam.

"Happy, get Lucy's medicine!" Wendy called from a ways away, surrounded by her own collection of puppets.

Happy pulled it out of his backpack, opening the pouch and putting it in her mouth for her. "Lu-shee!! Please, eat this!"

Lucy did, swallowing it with her saliva, waiting for the relief to come.

But it didn't, and more blood splattered from her mouth as another fit filled her lungs.

Happy looked terrified. "It's not working, Wendy!"

"No, it is a little," Lucy choked out, feeling the pain subside a little.

But that was the problem; the pain was only slightly receding, not completely like the pills used to do.

The medicine wasn't helping anymore.

Fairy Tail: You're Natsu of Fairy Tail (A NaLu Fan Fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora