Chapter Two-Boom Crash

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My eyes flew open suddenly and I felt multiple sensations hit me all at once. I swallowed drily and begin to breathe in and out frantically. I held onto my steering wheel with both hands in absolute shock as I began to process what had just happened. I had just crashed, something that was becoming more realistc by the second as I began to feel the ice cold rain pouring down onto me through the giant whole where my windshield had been. A giant tree branch pierced through the entire back of the rear and I felt a giant sense of relief as I realized that if I had gone anymore into the right, the passengers side wouldn't be the one with a tree stabbing through it, it would have been me. I swallowed dryly and lifted myself from the steering wheel. I struggled to release myself from my seatbelt and I grabbed my phone with shaking hands once I was out of my seatbelt. I opened the door and fell onto the ground as the adrenaline began to wear off my body and I was able to fully feel the extent of my injuries. I felt my back hit the floor as I began to cough and I shivered as a quick rush of wind came and hit my now soaked body. Thunder echoed loudly in the distance and I tried to sit up. The light from my phone illuminated through the darkness of the night as I held it to look at the damage of the car. I shook my head in disbelief when I brought it down to my legs and I saw the large gash that was across my right leg. Blood died the entire right side of jean a dark black and I felt the pain begin to throb on my thigh. I felt up to my head where I could feel a few small gashs and bumps, nothing felt as bad as my leg though for which I was still thankful. My leg wasn't anything that wouldn't go away in time. Although I had a few other scratches and blood marks that were streaking through my sweater, I was still okay and lucky to have not been injured to the extend I could have been. I sighed and wiped my phone and quickly began to dial the phone number for my brother.

"Yellow hello what's up jello?" He answered laughing.

"I-I'm hurt..I need h-help." I shivered as I struggled to get the words out. The wind was howling and rain was pounding down onto me. I couldn't stop my teeth from chattering and every minute that went by was another minute of throbbing pain that went through my body as the adrenaline and shock from the crash began to wear off.

"What? Charlotte, where are you?" He asked instantly alarmed. "Sh*t." He cursed. "Sorry, get off Jenna!" I heard him say through the distance. "I'm coming, okay? Dad!" he shouted. "Call 911!" He ordered. Suddenly I heard a small shuffling sound and my dad came onto the line. "Hello my babygirl, we have your location okay?"

"Mmhmm." I replied with a quivering voice. I had become increasingly alert of my surroundings and to say I was terrified was an understatement. I was stuck on the outskirts of town during a crazy storm in the middle of the night. The nearest light was flickering on and off and my car had to be completed totaled. My body was extremely bruised and I ached all over and my leg had now begun to numb.

"Charlie, honey, are you there?"

"Y-Yes Daddy." I cried. "H-H-Hurry," I said sobbing. "I-I'm scared!" I cried out feeling like a child. "I don't know what to do Dad--what do I do?"

I knew my Dad was going to be worried sick by now. The only time I ever called him Daddy was when I was a little girl. I remember crying out for him in the middle of the night when I was a mere five years old. It was during the first few weeks of my mothers death and I needed to be calmed back to sleep again. He would lie there beside me on my tiny twin bed the entire night even though he'd wake up sore and tired in the morning, forced to go to work afterwards. He was my hero to say the least. A man who had put everything on the line and cared for his children more than anything in the world. I was proud to be his daughter and right now, I wanted him to come here and hold me and tell me it was going to be okay. Suddenly, a loud and menacing howl pierced through my thoughts like an arrow. I looked around into the dark street and I felt goosebumps erupt onto my skin.

"Dad? Dad!" I whispered onto the phone. "Dad there's a animal here Dad--that's the reason I crashed in the first place! It's like a wolf or something--Dad??" I asked. Did the line go dead?

I took my phone from my ear and held it out in front of me. I felt tears rush to my eyes as I realized that the signal had been lost. I yelled out in frustration. I looked around trying to figure out what I should do when it dawned on me that I should probably check on the animal I had hit earlier. Although it might end up with a rabid lion wolf thing trying to eat me, I couldn't allow myself to just not check on the poor animal. I took a deep breath and I limped over to the back of the car. I shined the light from my phone onto the ground right below my car and I backed away in horror as I saw the animal before me. 

That was not a regular wolf. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. It was like a lion hybrid wolf animal that was almost bigger than my car. I was genuinely shocked that it hadn't crushed my car flat when it rolled over. As I was peering at the animal I realized that it's chest was struggling to move up and down. I quickly bent down and screeched in pain as a searing sensation of pain ran through my right leg. But worse than that was the pain I felt when I realized that I had hit this animal hard enough to cause it to suffer like this. It was an incredibly large animal and clearly could have withstood a large amount of worse and therefore-- I stopped mid thought. 

Yes, it was clear that this animal could have withstood the force of my car. There was no way this animal could have been even remotely phased by my car, I had swerved to avoid it and I could remember the scene clearly as it began to replay in my mind. 

Suddenly the animal jumped up and I screamed. I knew it, I KNEW IT! I had just been outsmarted by a wild freaking animal. It was perfectly fine! I laid on the ground with my knees dug into the asphalt road below. I struggled to back-away and tears of anger were streaming down my cheeks. I was angry, livid actually, at the fact that I wasn't able to register this in my mind earlier. The animal growled loudly, taunting me as it stood over me, barring it's large, pointy white teeth. 

This was it. This was how I was going to die. They were going to find me ripped into pieces and shreds by some mutant wolf animal. It let out another howl and I felt a splatter of hot drool fall onto my chest. 

"Gosh--ew!" I moaned in disgust. God, I was going to be found as an animals spit on chew toy. I closed my eyes and waited for the animal to finally chomp down on me but suddenly the loud roar of sirens interrupted my thoughts. 

I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the loud sirens. The animal let out a loud snarl, drawing my attention back to it. It's face jumped closer to me and I could feel its warm breath heaving down onto my neck. I stared back at it in absolute terror as it growled loudly in front of my face. Suddenly it lifted it's arm up and I felt a jagged slash down my left arm before it leapt away into the brush it had emerged from. I didn't even have enough time to fully process the amount of pain I was in. I just watched the sky as everything got darker and darker and flashes of blue and red began to cloud my vision even further. 

"Hello ma'm, can you hear me? Can you hear me?" I heard a voice echo from far away. "My name is Carolina, and this is Kyle, we're here to help you. Do you know what happened?" The voice asked. I tried to nod in response but I wasn't sure if I was actually doing it. "What's your name honey?" The voice asked again. "Can you give me yo--" The voice stopped and I was engulfed in a sea of black as I completely lost consciousness. 

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