Writing is Addicting

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writing is addicting

these are the symptoms

• a delicious sensation from coming up with a new idea

• a tingly feeling when you tell others about your work

• a buzzing in your head when everything starts to come together

• purposely scrolling through the internet, looking for pictures to set you off on a creative high

• hearing a song, and then special notes make you fall into the world of writing

• staring out the window of a moving car, imagining character interactions in your head

• misspelling words because you're typing too fast, inspiration fueling your drive

• falling in love with characters and feeling everything they feel, even if it's pain

• exploding with happiness thinking of the perfect wording for a sentence

• a crushing ache in your heart watching your characters suffer

• a villainous part of you that relishes watching your characters suffer

even when you're tired,

even when you're sleeping,

your words follow you into your dreams

they consume you until all you can think about is words, words, words

if this is you, get help because

writing is addicting.

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